Tuesday, August 21, 2018

A gift for Michaela and the kittens

As I mentioned the other day, the kittens are eating a lot. Now that they are getting bigger they are eating even more. I used to be able to put two cans down and there would be more than enough for Michaela left over.. not so much anymore

I mean, really, how sad is this? (and please do not look at the debris on the floor, I swear I just cleaned that yesterday)

And then this showed up..

"Oh, a box for me! Cool beans!" says Michaela
"Um, darlin, look what came in the box!" I replied

oooh, all for me!?!

Which one shall we open first??
Not only did we get five cases of food, I now have a nice restock of disposable kitten litter boxes (the trays) *AND* Michaela gets a cool toy.

A huge shoutout and thank you to Amy for the food. Another huge shout out and thank you to Lori who sent along a gift certificate so when these cans run low I can buy more.. You have no idea how much I appreciate your support. It really means a lot. Thank you The kittens would thank you too, but they are off burping and washing their faces.


  1. What an awesome gift! <3

  2. Awesome! And a great box too! Whoo hoo!

  3. How wonderful! I don't think many people who don't foster can understand how much such a kindness is appreciated!! (Or how much kittens eat!!)

  4. Round, fat kittens...yesh!!!

  5. How thoughtful!! And we are so pleased to see Michaela happy with her box.

  6. That was really nice of Amy and Lori. Happy kitties...happy Michaela.

  7. Hooray! And an awesome pawsome box for Michaela! :)

  8. Everybody’s happy! Kittens eat a ton. Enjoy your box Michaela


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