Saturday, August 13, 2005

vet results

Ok, so not what I was told (ruptured ear drum), and more what I would have thought had I considered it. Apparently, she had a rather large ear polyp. They removed it. this would explain the blood coming out of her ear. Jack woke me up at midnight in the sweetest way possible. He walked up to me, nosed me on the cheek, then laid down with his head on my arm and purred. Uber sweet despite the hour. so of course, obsessive me has to go check on Caroline. She is much better, but still wobbly and having coordination control. I tried to peek in her ear - which freaked her out. There is still blood in it. I pulled some of the bigger clots off the edge, to see what happens in the AM... what am I talking about, it is the AM. well, you know what I mean. She has no control of her bowels. the spots on the towel that I was afraid was blood was actual stuff from the other end. So I changed towels and left her in there after a hardy meal and a few sips of water. Was very good to see her so interested in food.

But I couldn't help but wonder if my little Ginny has a polyp in her nose.... we'll see.

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