So I got a coupon for some free digital prints, and I have some cute photo frames I want to fill up with photos of the crew, so this morning I took my camera (yes, the stupid Kodak one who will NOT focus on the cats no matter how hard I try) and took about 100 photographs of the kids. These were the only ones who came out half decent (and one that isn't half decent but is too cute anyway)
Click on any photo to view the larger format:
So first I took photos of Ollie. Sitting on the fridge I figured I had a half decent chance of getting a good photo
Then Fleurp decided she wanted in on the action
Then I took a few of Jack that did not come out at all (the rug he was on was clearer than he - the item in the CENTER OF THE PHOTO) and Fleurp was not amused she wasn't the center of attention
So then Muffin came around, and I got one of her on the chair. Unfortunately that was all blurry too, and the first one of Muf and Kit was bad, but this one was cute.
seriously, you would think this kitten never gets any attention!!
Tweedle walked by, and the first few of her were all blurry, but I got this one
Eli's first photo was horrid, the second was good, and he was out of there, because he knew I was going to want to clean his face
More Fleurp.. I swear...
So then Muffin jumped up on the cat tree and proceeded to pose for me in the MOST DIFFICULT POSITION POSSIBLE. I love her.. really I do, and she totally makes me work for it
so I got her to turn around with a few well placed complements and some begging
but then she decided she needed to wash up.
and because that picture was just so priceless, a few close ups
Then I thought I'd go get a photo of Brianna, the Bunny. and guess who showed up
Tried to get one with out Fleup. Tried...
Delightful pictures!