Thursday, November 8, 2012

Comment-a-thon totals

Staff at AWS with the donation from
for some reason they sent 'senior' food  *shrug*
There has also been exactly 400 comments from the start of my blogoversary until now!! LOL  of course I'm sure quite a few of them are mine, but that is OK.  I was hoping to donate ~$100 and poof, that is the total we actually got.

While I didn't get there the way I originally wanted to, I'm still tickled pink that I got there, so thank you to all of you for coming back to my blog again and again and spending a small part of your day with me, The Crew, and the influx of fosters I get.

I have another bit of interesting news... while watching my comments, I also watched my web stats.  Blogger/Google started tracking visitors for me back in May of 2008. They haven't been the most reliable I'm sure, but they are still interesting and fun to watch.  Well just very very recently I hit 100,000 page views :)  At the time of the composition of this post it actually reads 102,112  Yup, I'm more than a little chuffed about that one.


  1. 400 comments! YEAY!!!
    That dancing kitty keeps making me laugh!

  2. Hooray for the donations! And that dancing kitty sure knows how to celebrate ~ woot woot!
    xo Catherine

  3. That's fabulous, Connie, concats on donating so much!

  4. Wonderful! The dancing kitty graphic is funny--and nice of you to share a photo from the shelter. Everyone is a winner here!

  5. the dancing kitty is cracking mom up. love that you got the "donation"....and senior food and kittens - sure, why not?? MOL

  6. Hip Hip Hooray,thats the dancing kitty

  7. A hundred thousand visitors to your blog? WOW! Now, THAT'S somethin' to celebrate! It's not wonder you've got dancin' kitties! purrs

  8. Paws up for a great commenthon! And on surpassing 100,000 visits! That is awesome!

  9. Hooray!! And I'm certain the seniors at the shelter needed something to eat, too ;-) I'm dancing along with the dancing kitty.

  10. That is very generous of you, Connie :) Well done on all your page views. I know for a fact Blogger get it wrong as I often have more comments than page views!!! I think it might depend on how people get to the blog … google .. facebook etc

  11. Thanks for being so generous. We are glad our little comments helped some cats in need.

    Have a great day.

  12. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Congrats!!We sure do love reading your blog...... Cute dancing cat : )

  13. Concatulations, Connie - we love the dancing kitten! Thank you so much for purring for Mummy
    Purrs ... Rainbow

  14. YAY! that's so wodnerful!! Thanks so much for hosting the commentathon - what a wonderful generous thing to do!!

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