Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thanksgiving at Casa de Gato

This Thanksgiving was a little different from us than the norm.

Thanksgiving is my husbands FAVORITE thing.  He loves it above just about anything thing else, so when we were first married he had grand dreams of huge Thanksgiving events.  Being an introvert that was the last thing I wanted, so I told him we could do Thanksgiving if he did all of the cooking.  Well wouldn't you know he would take me up on it.  And darn it if he didn't do it in spades.  The man makes a mean mean turkey.  For the past couple of years he has made a turkey and we took it to his brother's house.  They have a whole houseful of kids and it has always been a lot of fun but we are left with a house smelling of turkey and no turkey.

This year his brother had to work and we were invited over to my parents house.  We were told we didn't need to bring a thing (and we so didn't.  My family goes overboard with food and there was enough to feed quite a few more people) and so it looked like my husband wasn't going to get (yes, get.  not have) to prepare a bird.  Well he wanted to, so we decided to have two Thanksgivings.  Once on the day, and another the next.

He brines the turkey,
notice the heart shaped splashes.. it is made with love
The spread
Photobomb Jack
Um, Daddy, I was elected to tell you.. 
we want that.. (cause you obviously didn't know before)
Our serving plates
I love these
and this mug is huge and awesome.
nom nom nom nom

I felt quite bad about not being able to give any of The Crew some turkey.  There was onions and garlic in the brine and in the cavity of the bird.  I am not sure how much of these can cause problems in a kitty already dealing with anemia issues (Fleurp), so I opted to forgo giving any to The Crew this year. (Well except the small piece I slipped Jack - I justified it because he is the Alpha.. well at least he should be) and oh didn't they lay on the guilt.  The meowing and carrying on was almost too much to stand.  They did get a special dinner of turkey cat food in small cans that they totally appreciated.  It was complete junk and they LOVED IT.

Surprisingly the fosters ate the turkey but did not devour it.  Lady Friday Floofface enjoyed it the most, which was nice because I not only got her to eat out of my hand, she licked my fingers.  She is still way too tense and can not accept any hands on attentions.. so this was a nice.  I think I'm actually looking forward to working one on one with her and Evelyn.  See now that Ella is of size it is time for her to go back and find her forever family.  There are still a surprising number of kittens up for adoption, so I'm not overjoyed at the idea of bringing her back, but there is something to having her family pick her out of the group and not pick her because she is the only one.  She goes back on Monday, will be neutered shortly after that and a day or so later go up for adoption (probably not before Wednesday).  Elsa is already neutered so she will go on the adoption floor as soon as the staff assess her and see what they are comfortable with.  I am going to send Jackson Pollack along with them.  He is 90-95% tamed.  He freaks when your hands go straight at his head or front end, but the second your hands are on him he is A-OK with, do getting love and attention.  And since a lot of cats don't much like that too, I'm going with it might even just be him.  Speaking of him, don't you just love his :( markings on his side??


  1. When I saw that awesome spread on the table, I thought it had been set out especially for the kitties. A little disappointed it wasn't.

  2. GAH! No turkey for kitties!!!?????

    ::13 cats keeling over in shock::

  3. That looks so good! I love your serving plates, they're adorable. :)

  4. poor kitties no fresh turkey,oh well theres always Christmas

  5. Wow, that is great to have TWO meals. LOVE the dinnerware! And while I'm sad that three kitties are leaving, I know they will find great homes.


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