Friday, April 19, 2013

KL Cool G

LL Cool J = Ladies Love Cool James.. 
KL Cool G = Kittens Love Cool DH

Which led to the creation of a new proverb.. 
May you have a kitten tail in your eye.. 
some how that should mean you will have all the luck.
DH didn't quite think that was the case, but I didn't have ANY kittens on me at the time 
 I thought he was lucky.. 

Seriously, kittens LOVE him.. 


  1. It's a kitty infestation!!

  2. His "energy" or "aura" or whatever must just be so appealing to the kittens. Either that or there's something appealing about his biological scent. LOL.

  3. That is so cute!! I love the one sitting behind his back. Adorable.

  4. too cute..... and what is it about the FUZZY baby tails that insist on going up the nose??? I think your dh and Fred (from Love and Hisses) must wear the same colgne

  5. Nothin' smells as good as a kitten asterisk!

  6. I love that second picture! It looks just like what Tutu does to her Daddy!

  7. These are the cutest kittens and photos. We love to see a man, like our dad, who is covered in kitties. We try to get him every night in bed. And we can tell James is loving all the furry attention. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  8. Sweet kittens! We were all adopted as 'older' cats, so our human missed this stage.

  9. MOL, priceless pics!


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