Sunday, April 28, 2013

So I had this brilliant idea..

As much as I loved the bear seat I got..

It always did bother me that it had a "permanent sad" and I had a feeling that I could fix it.  So I finally tracked down a needle and pulled out some floss (mint flavored) and sewed it's head to it's back.. and poof..

All the better to sit on!
Um, kittens, could you get off I wanted to take a picture.. 

Picture of me?? 
No, of the awesome job I did fixing my bear
You can't even see the stitching.. 
See, awesome job.. 
Um, excuse me.. 
Did you say YOUR bear?
I'm pretty sure it is OUR bear.. 
Is it mine?
I want it to be mine
Nope, really it's mine, all mine!
Isn't it??
Sorry kittens, it is going to stay here while you move on next week.  I so do not want to let them go, but it isn't fair to keep them from their people.. So I've sent an email in to say they are ready..


  1. We love the bear's smiley face! Great job! And we think that bear belongs to those cutie pies until they leave next week.

  2. I think that bear looks happier mainly because kittens are sitting on him!

  3. He DOES look happier! Kinda like I feel after yoga, LOL.

  4. good job - that is one happy bear keeping his kittens happy too :)

  5. Nice job on making the bear happy. Those kittens are adorable.

  6. What a difference that made! And the kitties definitely approve!

  7. Good job on the bear! My gosh, those kittens are far too adorable!

  8. What a great bear and great idea. We hope the kittens new homes have bear chairs. Lee and Phod

  9. Yeah for easy (and happy) fixes!

  10. Good job on the bear. Here's hoping the kittens find forever homes really soon. Who could resist those faces?

  11. Anonymous11:46 PM

    It's the mint flavor that did the trick. Very clever transformation, and superb captions. Even though all you had to do was type up what the kittens were saying.

  12. It's a moot point whether some well placed stitches wouldn't make some humans look happier too! ;)

  13. The bear and the kittens, all look very happy! Cute cute!
    xo Catherine

  14. Great job!and good luck to the kittens!

  15. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Great job!


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