Sunday, April 14, 2013

Oh.. My.. Goodness...

I was going through the shows my Tivo recorded and smiled when I saw Bewitched hidden among the other shows.  My Tivo does weird things every once in a while, pulling up shows I haven't seen in a long long time.  Sometimes I can't help myself and watch them.

This time it was the episode "The Warlock and the Gray Flannel Suit" (if you are interested you can see it there) and 20 minutes into it (or 14:30 into it in the video linked above) I saw and heard this..

Alonzo (the hippy): Here are some words that sing..
Mr. Cushman (the client): Flurpity Flurp?
Of course the reaction is "Those aren't even words! as for singing, they only hiccup a little"  lol.. (although Alonzo goes on to say/sing "it's the seductive sound of bare feet on a carpet")  (fun fact, Alonzo is also "Doc" from the Love Boat)

Imagine my shock at hearing Fleurp.. ok fine Flurp on Bewitched! I must have seen this episode in the past, as "Panda's Wedding" sounds familiar enough, and a few of the other bits rang a bell in the back of my mind.. but for my mind to hang on to this seems just so odd..

I always assumed I came up with Fleurp because I had recently fostered another kitten that I wanted to name Fleur as in the Fleur-de-lis and while that didn't happen (she ended up going to a different foster home) I didn't want to reuse the name..

So might it have been some part of this added to that? or pure inspiration as I was driving (I remember the exact spot in the road where it popped into my head as I was driving to get her from the shelter)


  1. The brain is a strannnnnnge place...

  2. Too funny the things that stick in our heads.

  3. our minds work in mysterious ways

  4. Isn't it wonderful how our minds work?

  5. That is so cool!!! (I love Bewitched for many reasons.)

  6. I should probably mention it was at least 20 years since I've seen an episode of Bewitched..

  7. Bewitched ~ a classic! I haven't watched that in years.
    Wishing you and the kitties a wonderful week!
    xo Catherine

  8. Serendipity is what it is. That little kernel you had stored in the back of your memory popped to the surface just when it needed to and your beautiful kitty got just the right name. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  9. That's a lovely cat on the pillow.
    Mom always like Bewitched, too.

  10. It is so funny/weird the way the mind works and I think a lot of times it's on a long ago memory. I loved Bewitched as a kid. I have to laugh about Doc from Love Boat. Just this evening my husband and I watched Kojak (another oldie) and Doc was a guest star on that show. I haven't thought about him in years.

  11. "Jeepers Creepers" instantly popped into my head when I got my tough little black kitten 4 years ago, as I had just purchased a Jeep. But it wasn't until he spooked the hell out of me when I looked into the dark one day and saw just two glowing yellow dots. And then Halloween comes along. Yeah, the name really fits. And he does plow through anything to get to food!

    The strangest thing is when a word, person, song, whatever, occurs twice in a short time - and not for years prior - such as Doc did just recently for you.


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