Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I went looking for a photo of Kit the other day and realized I haven't shared a picture of her in a while.  Kit is very much my husband's cat (in fact she's on his chest this very minute) and she interacts with me very little, hence she isn't around when I have the camera out..

Laying on Dad's side of the bed
I wondered if Kit would like a treat, so I offered her one...

Yup, she was mighty impressed.. so were Fleurp and Jack..


  1. Orijen FINALLY brought in the freeze dried treats and Mommy immediately bought a packet for us. She opted for the Dog Treats because she also felt the ones for cats were a little too small. But you know what? She has yet to let us taste them!

  2. Oh that photo of Kit with her paws out is just adorable!

  3. I love how cats claim people. :)

  4. Those look rather tasty!

  5. Kit is pretty adorable....and the treats sound nommy too

  6. That was a mighty yummy review gang!

  7. Kit really is a daddy's girl! What a beauty she is. Aren't reviews fun?

  8. That looks like a big hit!

  9. Awww Kit is a daddy's girl :-)
    That's a great review. One of our boys gets sick when he eats lamb. So no lamb here... Glad kitties enjoyed!

  10. Paws up for a great review! We're big fans of the Orijen treats, too, especially the dog treats because they are easier to eat from the heat peep's hand.

  11. You guys make those treats look yummy!


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