Thursday, January 21, 2016

Gandalf would like you to know the hairballs are gone

Gandalf had a recheck appointment yesterday and he had to get a clean bill of health from the vets before they would sedate him. I brought in another stool sample and that too was negative for worms, and the exam showed signs of definite improvement.  The vet called me to talk about his progress and I explained how he was doing better each day, how he still seemed to have throat irritation which produced a cough like sound which wasn't really a cough.  She asked a few more questions and then said he still had some odd sounds in one lung, but she was comfortable clearing him for surgery, but it would be up to the vet doing the surgery.

She went on to explain he would have some compromise of his lung for quite some time and that throughout his life he might be more prone to infections.  I mentioned this to his new family and they are still very excited to adopt him.

I finally got the call at 4 pm that he had been neutered and could I come and pick him up. I ran to the shelter to get him and brought him home.  I told his new family that he is going to be good to go in a day or two. Sadly in a day or two, we are going to be in the middle of a blizzard, so there is a chance that he might not go home this weekend and if that happens he will be with us for another week.

Oh the hardships I must endure.


  1. Well, I'm sure that a couple of days is nothing compared to forever. Congrats Gandalf.

    Emma and Buster

  2. Anonymous3:08 AM

    He's gotten so big, I can hardly believe he was so tiny just over a month ago. Way to go big boy!!!

  3. Yeah, I can tell you are really bummed you might be stuck with him for a few more days, MOL! I'm sure his family will be SO happy when he does come home with them! BTW, when Binga came home from the shelter as a kitten, she had such a bad case of kennel cough that it weakened her immune system permanently. Result? She gets seasonal colds more often than your average cat and... she's active and crazy at the age of 15-1/2! Paws crossed that Gandalf does at least as well.

  4. He really has grown a lot. His new family must be super excited to know he is safely through surgery and ready to come home when the weather cooperates!

  5. He is so cute... His new family must be so excited to be bringing him home!

  6. Oh, darn. Such an inconvenience. The sacrifices you must make!

  7. Oh, darn. Such an inconvenience. The sacrifices you must make!

  8. hard for his family, but we are sure YOU will endure.... glad he made it through surgery ok

  9. Glad he is improving health wise!

  10. Glad he's better! I'm gonna really miss this guy; hoping his new family keeps us in the loop.

  11. We're so glad he got a clean bill at the vet ! We wish Gandalf all the best in his new family ! Purrs

  12. I am glad everything went well. He is a cutie.

  13. I'm glad to hear that Gandalf's surgery went well! I bet that he is secretly happy to have a few last days with you before he goes home. :) He's such a sweetheart.

  14. Glad to hear everything is going well for little Gandalf. The kitties and I wish him a long happy and healthy life with his new family.

  15. That's nice that everything went well, he is such a cutie.

  16. Oh we bet you're okay with keeping Gandalf a couple extra days. ;). We're glad his neutering went well.

  17. I wish I was the one adopting this cutie, his new family is lucky.


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