Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Crafting with Connie - fixing a broken Santa

Why buy it for $7 when you can make it yourself with $92 of craft supplies?

At one point in the past - I don't remember when - I had a conversation with Debbie (of Glogirly/Katie/Waffles fame) and I mentioned a Santa I owned that was damaged.  I'm sure I mentioned how much I loved him because he had three kittens in his hat that he was holding and that at some point his forehead was bashed in and created a hole.

But I had forgotten all about that conversation and one day Debbie sent me a Santa head. No note, no real explanation. I was quite flummoxed as to why, but of course, I immediately thought of my kitty Santa. It took me a while to work up the courage to ask Debbie why she sent me a Santa head - I mean just how do you go about phrasing such a question, but when I finally did I was rolling around laughing when she said I had told her about it.

I will admit, I was afraid to pop Santa's head off, which is why this is a post-holiday post. I figured one last Christmas with 'my Santa' if it went horribly wrong.. and so over the weekend I found myself a screwdriver and went to work.

The manufacturer of my Santa did not want his head to come off.. not one little bit. I was hesitant to rip the head off or smash it with a hammer in case I did not like the way the new head looked. I must admit, I felt quite creepy taking a screwdriver to the back of Santa's head.. (oh for the love of Pete, I hope Google spiders don't index my website with that last sentence) They used some serious glue to attach it..

Once I finally popped off the head, I put the new one on and I was actually surprised at how well it looked.

From the front, he almost looks like he was designed to look like that.  In profile, you can see that the head is just a bit too big for his body and it hangs off a bit, but nothing a 'scarf' wouldn't fix.

I ended up throwing the old Santa head away.  It was hard because I am a saver, but I knew I would never use the head for anything and I would just look at it and lament that we had damaged the original; I would never come to terms with Santa's new do.  Husband was a little freaked when he went to throw something out a little later to find Santa was looking up at him from the trash.

Thank you, Debbie!  You have given Santa a new lease on life.


  1. Wow, that was an awesome fix! I think the kittens are awesome too.

  2. MOL - that tagline is perfect and I totally know what you mean, having an office full of craft supplies! That new Santa head looks great!

  3. Too funny. But that is a great fix

  4. That looks really good! What a great fix.

  5. How cool you were able to fix your Santa. He looks great.

  6. That is impressive that she sent such a perfect fit. It sure is cute and I've never seen anything like that before.

  7. "Husband finds Santa head in the at 11!" ROFLOL!

  8. I like the new head even better than the old one. What a great fix.

  9. You did such a great job!!! Your Santa look very good!!! Love those cute kittens:)

  10. Your Santa looks great with the new head. That was a thoughtful and nice gift for you and your Santa. Hugs

  11. Nice work - he looks great!

  12. I do not notice the head size difference until you mentioned it. Now I will not sleep at night thinking about his big head! Now he has to wear glasses as well. Should have got a head with better eyes!


  13. Your Santa looks just like new! Good work.

  14. LOL, where do you even get a Santa head to begin with!

    Emma and Buster

  15. What a wonderful, thoughtful gift! And that new head looks fabulous! We like it better!

  16. So many would just toss Santa in the bin and look for a replacement, so fixing him is a good thing

  17. The new Santa head looks great! Finding the other head in the garbage would be a tad bit freaky.

  18. That was sweet of Debbie. And you did a great job.

  19. Awesome job, Connie! The last line, about your hubby and the Santa head, made us laugh. :)

  20. It looks purrfect to me. I wonder if they can transplant my head onto a new and younger body. LOL


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