Monday, January 16, 2017

Rupert and his toes

Rupert is still with us, being as cute as ever. He is still not eating nearly enough to make me happy, but he is eating on a pretty consistent basis, so there is that. I am still concerned that his whiskers were inhibiting his ability to eat. When I feed him, he would often look like he was covering his food, but when you really watch him he seems to be 'digging' at the side of the bowl. Food bowls that had higher sides usually meant more food left behind, so I attempted to feed him on a paper plate.

The first meal went okay, but he still dug at the edges of the plate and moved it around quite a bit. I thought I'd try an upside-down plate. He 'dug' quite a bit less when eating this so I am considering taking down a ceramic plate and using that upside down to see if the pattern holds.

I've also noticed something very odd with Rupert's front feet. I mentioned before that they felt like they were missing a lot of muscle, but I was finally able to capture a photo of what is going on in addition to that..

Rupert was not a fan of my attempting to get photos of his feet.

This is generally how his feet look. It almost looks like a 'hang ten' hand gesture with the three middle fingers curled in and the pinky and thumb extended. If I massage his toes, which fortunately he does not mind at all, they relax and look more 'normal' but the next time he walks they curl up or contract again. It is really quite fascinating. I am assuming once he starts rebuilding muscle it will correct itself. At this point it does not seem to bother him, nor does it hinder him in any way. (a few extra toe photos because who doesn't love kitten feet)

My husband thinks he is looking better and he is slowly gaining weight. Every time he poops he loses a little ground, but that is to be expected. He could use another bath but I'm going to hold off another day or two for that. He doesn't realize yet that he needs to sit with his legs apart when he pees. I hope he figures that one out soon.

We did have a moment last night that made me very happy. I hope it makes you smile as well


  1. Rupert is such a cute, happy little guy! I didn't notice before he has a white tip on his black tail

  2. He's learning to be a kitten! I mean he has the cute down ... but the playful bit is a great sign :) Your truly make a difference with them, Connie.

  3. Rupert, you are the cutest lil guy! We're glad to see you playing, that's a great sign.

  4. sweet baby....he's in great hands

  5. It's sad what starvation and deprivation can do to a kitten, but once they start to really recover and eat more on their own it's usually slow but sure forward movement. Let's go baby Rupert!

  6. Curious, that front paw thing. Rupert is so fluffy; his whiskers and toe hawks seem to take up his whole body! C'mon, Rupert, eat up, lil bean!

  7. He is going to have some amazing toe hawks someday.

  8. His toesies are so cute! And he's already sporting some cool toehawks.

  9. He is cute indeed and his toes are cute and he will learn how to pee in time

  10. Rupert does look better. Here's hoping he continues to improve daily!

  11. Purrayers that this sweet little mite continues to gain !

  12. Have never heard of this toe-curl thing. I sure hope it's just a matter of muscle mass and will auto correct as he grows. Poor little guy! Eat, dood, eat!

  13. He is so adorable...I think I say that every time I see a photo of him. I hope as he gains weight, his muscle tone will also improve. So cute to see him playing!

  14. Oh, man, is he cute! How lucky he is to have you to take such good care of him. How great to see him start to play.

  15. Rupert is a cutie, I am glad he is playing.

  16. What an absolute cutie. Thanks for the smile.


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