I was going to not post about Em at all, but then I remembered the drainage was worse this morning, almost an opaque white.. it was weird. It blocked up her nose, and when I cleared it off and "milked" her nostril, quite a bit more came out, so I upped her prenisolone to 7.5 mg SID. apparently I can so up to BID, but I am no where near ready for that. I am considering dropping back down to 5mg, but breaking it up into two 2.5 mg doses through out the day.. But I have to wait and see if the increased dose clears up the drainage.
Now on to the "good news" :D
I have KITTENS!!
the shelter took in two strays from the same place. Two torties.. One with three one week old kittens, the other with four two week old kittens. The mom's look like sisters, and are incredibly close. they nurse each other's kittens, climb into the same box together, groom each other and obviously get a lot of comfort from one another. It is so sweet. out of all the foster I have ever had, this is the first time I am in love with the moms.
One of them (or maybe both) were vomiting quite badly.. the first night I had them I gave them a once over.. the "older" one (for lack of names and better descriptions) has foul breath and is missing some of the little front teeth. her ears were attrocious too, so I tried to clean those out a little. the "younger" is good.. but her ears need some help too. Last night because of all the vomit, I gave them some dewormer. the older one fought me tooth and nail and HATED it.. the younger took it just fine.... almost acted as if she liked it. this morning no vomit, but the older one refused to come out and see me. I'm going to have to spend some time in that room tonight and NOT clean or medicate anything :D
The "older" one is pure tortie. The "younger" has a black mask and white on her chest and paws. I THINK the younger one has the two week old kittens, but she's in and out of both boxes, so it is hard to tell.
the younger kittens are two boys - buff colored - and one girl. the older kittens are three boys and a girl. the buff boys are so close to one another, that they often look like a two headed kitten :)
I'm going to try an experiment with the two week old girl. Going to take a picture of her every day and watch her develop.. see if I can't create a video out of it.. I think it will be interesting if she co-operates.
now on to the pictures....
the "younger" cat in with the younger kittens, and the "older" one with the older kittens
the "younger" cat changed boxes..
Older Kittens
Younger kittens
how can you resist this much cuteness??
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