Saturday, March 30, 2013

Heartwarming News Story

This is a wonderful news story.. please remember that your own local shelter really could use some donations

A shelter in Farmington Maine recently had to take in 75 dogs from one home.  They were seized, so they need to hold on to them until it works its way through the court system.  The shelter I volunteer for was once a part of a seizure and the amount of work was near overwhelming.  Even more overwhelming is the fact that  for the Franklin County Animal Shelter that is about a quarter of the animals they take in annually..


  1. ugh - we are glad the animals got the help they wonderful that the community is stepping up :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this story,xx Rachel

  3. Sometimes the simplest things mean so much to a shelter. I donated some kitty beds once since mine never used them. Years later I ran into the lady who started the shelter and how she talked about those beds. They were her first donation, and I had even forgotten I had given them to her.

  4. Wow...that's so fantastic how the community is helping them out!
    We're in the middle of a big news story similar to that one, down here, too. You might have heard of it on the news. (Sadly.)
    It was a big ASPCA raid on dog fighting in Kansas, Missouri and Texas. Over 80 dogs were seized (and 3 chickens). And even though none of them are being housed at Wayside, since we're providing medical treatment and support, they 've had security at the shelter for the past week, just in case.

    Events like these large seizures do take a great toll on shelters. It just couldn't be done without donations and volunteers!


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