Friday, October 4, 2013

Jack and Fleurp love their food puzzle toy

Confession time:  Several members of The Crew are incredibly food motivated.  Fleurp, Jack, and Muffin will do just about anything for food.  (although Muffin will NOT chew meat chunks thank you very much)

Most people have a bag of treats, they open it up, pull out a couple of treats, feed them and they are done. Sadly if I were to try that before I could put the treat bag away my leg would be bleeding from Fleurp pawing at my leg trying to get me to give her more.  I used to buy bags of dry cat food and dispense small handfuls across the floor of my great room to give treats, but I haven't been able to do that since Jack has been having issues, so it gets a little complicated at treat time - so for the most part I haven't been able to do it.

One thing I do enjoy doing though is filling the puzzle toy with freeze dried treats and putting it down for the cats to find later on and have something to do while I'm at work.. ha ha ha.. Ok fine, have something to do while I walk out of the room.  They look at me like they are annoyed they have to 'work' for treats, but as soon as they realize I'm not going to just give it to them, they work feverishly and get right to them.

MOM!  Fleurp's hogging it again!!
OK, so you can tell it is a dog puzzle toy since it is in the shape of a bone, but they don't care.  They are just happy to have treats, and I'm happy to not be holding more treats in my hand when they are out


  1. So Fleurp loves catnip and treats?? Great photo.

  2. Love the expressions!!!!

  3. yep - we mug mom for treats! gonna have to get her to look into one of those puzzles (or two or three)

  4. Hehehe looks fun too!xx Rachel

  5. Binga goes into PANIC mode when she knows that treats are nearby. The other day, she accidentally bit my human's boyfriend's finger in an attempt to get a treat.

  6. we don't like to work for treats, hehehehe!

    emma and buster

  7. Such a great picture. The expressions are like "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put the treats in the puzzle!"

  8. The mom says that's a great compromise...though we're with Jack and Fleurp, we don't like to work for treats!

  9. I think that is too cute!! We are having a give-away of a special cat feeding maze on Cat Chat With Caren and Cody!!! (on Monday), it is open to U.S. and Canada!! Stop by and enter on Monday!

  10. I have some treats here if they want to come and beg me...I'm a sucker... :)

  11. That's such a funny picture! I bought a treat ball for cats and only Cosmo knows how to bat it around to get the treats out.

  12. We have 2 cats and I've never thought to give them a treat puzzle toy. They do have a toy they enjoy, I wonder if I can toss a few treats in there for fun.

    Ahhhh, thanks for giving me something to think about. They would love something else to play with than the usual.

  13. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I am not at all motivated by treats...but now if you are talkin' about my dry kibble...hmmm...that might get my attention...I only get it a little bit 3 x a a 'treat' I would paw for it tho'...heh...heh

  14. Sadly none of us are truly motivated by treats - and that's too bad because our human reeeeally likes that puzzle toy concept!

  15. Our dogs have the same one and they love it!

  16. Waffles has a treat toy too! It's called the kitchen cabinet. Imagine my surprise when I opened it up to put the toaster away and there was no room for the toaster.
    ; ) GG


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