Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The life and times of Smedley's Behind (and an update)

Well let me get the update right out of the way since I am so far behind on that one.. Cubbie, Koshka AND Snow have all been adopted!!   I do not know of Cubbie and Koshka went together or not but a staff member came up to me to tell me about how AWESOME Snow's adoption was.  She said it was with a "cat lady" who saw Snow for what she was, and even though Snow hissed at her, she knew that it was a match and wanted to take her home.  She is so going to LOVE Snow.. and there are other cats in the house, which I think Snow will really enjoy once she relaxes a little.  Purrs to all of them for long happy lives.

Now.. on to Smed's behind..

Do we HAFTA talk about my butt again?? 
Why yes, darlin, we do..

So as we left it, at the end of last week I got Smed in to see a vet due to his really inflamed behind.. I was told to try a high fiber diet, but I had a feeling that a low plant based ingredient diet was more likely going to help him, so I put him and his cohorts on raw food.. they took to it like we all take to that first warm spring day.. they easily put away as much as my seven full grown cats eat, if not double, at each meal.. Their stools became well formed, dry and Smed's rear end no longer leaked and it started to heal up..

Click to make bigger..
I figured not everyone wants to look at his anus
After four days things were so dramatically improved that I figured I'd try putting them on the lowest inflammatory canned cat food I know of.. I feed it to diabetics because it is low in plant matter and does not contain carrageenan (which every other can in that kitten room had in it) and they ate eight three ounce cans.. I went down the next morning and offered it to them again and this time I only got three cans down, and they weren't all that interested.  When I went to the litter box I found out why.. the diarrhea was back. :(  I was hopeful that it was just a one time temporary thing and if I kept them on the food it would settle down, but no, it is pretty obvious they need some more time to heal up.  I see this all the time in kittens, I rush to get them back on regular food when using raw to clear up diarrhea.  If I had just waited a little longer I'm sure it would have worked out.. so they are back on raw for a few more days / week and we'll try it again and I'm sure this time will be the charm.


  1. What is the lower-inflammatory canned food you are talking about? My human might want to get it to see if I'll eat it. She keeps trying to interest me in food that doesn't make me queasy, but I always seem to gravitate towards the crappier food! But lately I've been eating some pate along with the chunky-gravy stuff.

  2. We'll be interested to hear the answer to Sparkle's question, too. The head peep is on the hunt for a low-inflammatory canned food we will actually eat!

    Also, hooray for Cubbie, Koshka and Snow finding their forever homes. That's great news!

  3. So glad you found the best way to help Smedley. I am sure he would have blogged about it himself if he had access to your PC :)

  4. fingers crossed for Smed!

    Yay for adoptions!! Love it when the adoption counselors tell you how great the people are. :)

  5. Great news about Snow, Cubbie and Koshka's adoptions! Be happy at your furrever homes!
    That's good about the raw being able to settle Smed's stomach. Hopefully with enough time, he'll be able to adjust to the low inflammatory canned food.

  6. Good news All round apart from a liitle blip,xx

  7. That is good news all around!!!!

  8. Always good noos when a kittie finds a furrrever home. Hang in there, Smedley. This too shall pass.

  9. great news for the kitties. although it seems smed and his buddies would need more time to heal.

    yes please talk more about nutrition bec my kitties although do not suffer from diarrhea are very picky and would rather eat kibbles and treats.

    emma and buster

  10. Having had a diabetic cat, I'm versed in which foods are lower carb, and which foods have wheat gluten in them (which is pretty inflammatory to a cat) I try to avoid foods with fruits, veggies, and carageenan in them. I tend to stick to 'pate' flavors as chunked or shredded versions have to use plants to get them to keep that form. I, and apparently others, have had a lot of luck with 'turkey and giblets' type food, and I tend to use Fancy Feast because it is pretty universally loved. It helped my Em reduce her blood sugar levels quite dramatically. I got another kitty "Benny" to improve her numbers as well with the walmart Special Kitty brand turkey and giblets. None of us really want to feed 'by product meal' or other low cost forms of meat, but *to me* those are preferable to those products that add spinach or blueberries, squash and potatoes.. etc..

  11. Yes, we are hoping to hear more about the low inflammatory food. Both Gemini and Ichiro have sensitive tummies and once their systems are off, they are off!

  12. Hooray for Koshka, Snow and Cubbie and their new families! We ar also glad to hear that Smedley's rear is doing better. We are purring and praying for him and his buddies!

  13. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Poor baby! That has to be uncomfortable. I will keep him in my prayers.

  14. wow okay! I wasn't expecting a kitty bung hole, if even a cute one! LOL! =^^=

  15. Hurray for three adopted kitties! Poor Smed, his back end looked so painful. And Connie, you are a saint for all the icky but necessary work you do.

  16. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Hope you get them all sorted out soon!

  17. Anonymous10:28 AM

    What a great post. I read all the way through about the two food reviews from Merrick and Chewy. Very informative. I will read Savannah's labels!

  18. Poor Smedley, it is not funny to have one's butt exposed to the entire world. But (no pun intended, no really) Smedley, we can all learn thanks to your foster Mom and your, er, butt.
    Sending you all purrs!

  19. Huge, huge purrs to Smedley for everything to normalize and all to be well.

  20. That is good news about Koshka, Cubbie and Snow getting adopted!

    And we purr that the kittens digestive issues get better. We appreciate all the info you pass on about foods, too.


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