Monday, July 21, 2014

Dancing Kittens

These four really do like to play, and they like to fly through the air after cat toys. Before we get to the photos though, I do want to share that they have names.  Amy shared a link with some punny cat names based on literary characters and I challenged her to come up with names, so with out further ado, may I introduce:
 Catticus Finch - boy
 Emily Lickinson - gray girl with white
 Jane Clawsten - gray girl
 Katniss Everclean - black girl

and now, watch them fly..


  1. Those kittens are crazy! I know about that literary cat name story - I posted it on my Facebook page yesterday too! People were mixed about the names, but I think yours are great!

  2. The literary kittens will be flying off the shelves in no time!

  3. To talk about flying kittens is all true in the last picture ! Purrs

  4. Is that toy a stick with feathers or a string with feathers? I'm always looking for new toys for the furkids. :)

    1. It is a little mouse sized piece of fur on the end of a string, at the end of a plastic pole that has some give to it. The fosters love it so much that when I saw another one donated to the shelter I nabbed it to have one in reserve for when the kittens inevitably chew through the string.

  5. those are great names :) that second picture made us smile....

  6. Emily LICKenson! Classic!! ;-)

  7. They got some moves! We love their names.

  8. Air Kittens! I may have to steal a name for our next cat...whenever s/he shows up at our door...

  9. I love how kittens just rompy-stomp all over each other! Your names are wonderful.

  10. They are so adorable! LOVE the names!

  11. They are so adorable, but then they are kittens. Mom got such a good laugh over the names, especially Katniss Everclean! Very clever. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. Oh, how cute these kitties are... and what cool names!


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