Thursday, September 17, 2015

A body stance that says go away, but eyes that say "Please, don't hurt me"

Mary has some pretty severe self confidence issues, but she is also quite a mystery. When I go to pick her up she will often stand her ground, hiss and give me the paw o'doom. She could just run away in most cases, but she doesn't unless she has all four feet on the ground and can quickly slip under the couch (which is also a self confidence issue, she often thinks she can't make it before I pick her off and eat her first)

She will play with me, or should I say the toy I am using to entice her to play, but not if her sisters come out and attack it. She will wrestle with her sisters, sometimes even instigating it, but often will be found sitting isolated, like in the basket photo above.

I wonder how many times I have to tell her I am not going to eat her before she figures it out.

Sarah is much more interested in the toy then she is afraid of me, well as long as my hand aren't going in a grabby type motion.. I even have her climbing up on top of myself and my husband in play

keep those grabby hands to yourself lady ~Sarah

Winifred has almost come around, she still starts when I try to touch her, but if I can do it when she isn't paying attention, she is okay with my patting her. She also purrs constantly.. it really is sweet but yet heartbreaking for me because I want her up in my neck purring away in my ear.. 


  1. they will all come round with just a bit of time and love from you,you always do wonders with the kittens you foster,xx Rachel

  2. These three sound like hard cases, especially Mary! I know you will get them to come around, though.

  3. Wow, these three are really resisting, but you're slowly charming them, bit by bit....

  4. Little bit every day....the payoffs are great but the process can be so slow

  5. Oh, Mary. The love & time you give these little ones each day will certainly pay off. I'm sure of it.

    Love the pictures!

  6. I love Sarah's nose! And sweet Mary, I hope she lets down her guard soon...

  7. Ah, those little confused kittens. Eventually they forget to keep up their guard and just play.

  8. You have no idea how encouraging these posts are. I have a little girl (one of a pair of sisters) who is the quintessential scaredy cat. We've had her for two years now and I'm just now able to pet her gently without her startling. She still often moves away out of reach, but then turns around and comes back right away. Your posts remind me -- that it's not me, that patience will win, and that I'm not alone. Thanks!

  9. Our Angel is over 11 years old, and she still thinks a pick-up-and snuggle is really a prelude to getting eaten! We've discovered that she relaxes when she chooses; it's not up to us humans. When we read her relaxation, that's when we get purring and rolling over for belleh rubs. Her twin brother has always stepped up first, with Angel hiding or at the door ready to run for her life. May I suggest a visit to Pammy has great info about cat personalities; maybe it will help with these kittens.

  10. They are taking their sweet time coming around, perhaps expecting to get more treats out of the whole thing.

    Emma and Buster

  11. We're sure that given a little time, Mary will come around. She still young.

  12. I think I may have fallen in love with Mary!

  13. Nokitty can resist Aunt Connie. Word.


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