Thursday, June 9, 2016

Kittens being kittens

What? I really like this boat. (Evelyn)

Daito thinks Evelyn is supposed to share.

What is this 'in the way' you are talking about lady!
We haz things to investigate.

I tucked Samantha in her basket, she seemed to like it.

Aech and Parzival like the basket too



Aech isn't a fan of the flash.. sorry buddy.

Aech really doesn't like the flash.

Sleep tight Samantha

Evelyn would  be sleeping if it weren't for the flashy box

Daito feels the same way

Aech isn't going to let a little flashy flashy get in the way of her nap.

Good night Parzival.


  1. OMC, I didn't think they could be more precious than they already are!

  2. Sleeping in the boat is just too priceless. Do kittens on boats dream of fish?

  3. They are so adorable!

  4. They are growing so fast! "We're gonna need a bigger boat!"

  5. TOO much cute! TOO much cute! There are few things better in life than watching kittens just be kittens (the opposite being when the kittens are homeless and scared and don't get a chance to be carefree kittens). Totally made my day - thank you.

  6. The boat has become a new favorite! Adorable.

  7. yep.....time for a nap :)

  8. OMG, too much cuteness! Cover your ears kitty, here goes.....SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!

    Emma and Buster

  9. Daito looks so much bigger than Evelyn in the first pic. Is there really that much difference in size or is it just that photo? So adorable.

  10. These pictures are so cute. I still love these names!

  11. Awww... That's so cute, too cute for words ! Purrs

  12. The boat is a great prop for a kitten photo shoot, especially in the summer. They're all so cute and it's fun to see some of their personalities. For instance, in the one pic, Daito reminds me a bit of Pierrot.

    Great pictures!

  13. Such sleepy-kins. And they are growing up so very fast.

  14. They get cuter every day.


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