Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kit loves her dad


I've mentioned this before, but Kit is very much my husband's cat. The two of them are usually hanging out together. She absolutely adores sitting on his chest and having her face up near his.

Kit and her dad

She is our smallest cat. Her weight hangs out around 7 lbs, which is half the size that Muffin and Jack have been recently (they both have lost a little weight recently). It is a bit deceiving about just how small she is though because she has a great deal of fur.


Kit has had some health issues lately. She had a pretty bad cold that we were finally able to get her over, but she came down with another one recently which is bothersome. Things are currently looking better and we will be keeping a good eye on her.


Kit rarely has use for me, strongly preferring to hang out with her dad, but will ask me for a snuggle if I'm under a blanket or if I have something that is relevant to her interest, like some bit of meat or a piece of broccoli.


  1. Wow, I am a teensy bit smaller than Kit! I guess I really am a little cat! I hope she feels ALL better soon!

  2. Such a beautiful girl she is.

  3. Kit is gorgeous and seeing the picture with her dad shows she's just as beautiful on the inside too!

  4. Kit seems a lot like our Sade in that dad is the Most Awesome person in the house. However, Sadie will give me time on her terms. Ya gotta love their personalities.

  5. Kit is a gorgeous kitty, and I hope she gets all better soon! Our Angel pays some attention to me, but when The Hubby is around, she becomes quite the pet hussy!

  6. we hope Miss Kit feels better and keeps feeling better. and we KNOW she loves her daddy!

  7. Kit you like broccoli? Few people like broccoli. You are one sweet kitty and you know who your human is.

    Emma and Buster

  8. She is beautiful!

    Somehow I clean the litter, take the cats to the vet, and give them medicine, while my boyfriend feeds and plays with them. Guess I can understand why they love him best! :-)

  9. Sweet Kit, maybe you are related to our sister Ruby who loves her dad more than anyone else!

  10. Sophie is a daddy's girl too. She'll snuggle with me, but only if Bobby isn't around. Glad to hear Kit's cold is going away!

  11. You are little! Some cats do seem to prefer one person over another for reasons unknown.

  12. What a beauty Kit is! And tiny too. :)

  13. Sweet photos, I am glad she feels better.

  14. That is so sweet that Kit is her dad's buddy. Zoe is the same way with me. :)

  15. Kit is beautiful. I hope she gets over her cold quickly.

  16. what did you do to help her get over her cold? Faraday's been having serious weepy eye issues lately, and I was going to supplement with L-Lysine but I hear now that's not really helpful.


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