Monday, August 22, 2016


Skippy is the baby of the family. The fact that he is with us at all is pretty amazing because when he was a foster kitten he was fairly healthy and went back to the shelter and was adopted. I even spoke to the people who adopted him because he had a bit of history and I wanted them to know about it.

See, Skippy was an abandonment case. If I remember correctly they were even considering going after animal neglect with him because he was found starving and with a pretty bad urinary infection. Any kitty who has urinary issues can be prone to them in their life, so I let them know that. They didn't care, they wanted him, they adopted him and took him home.  A few days later they returned him because he came down with a cold and needed some medication.  I was furious but I was happy to bring him back here and treat him. It took him a little while to get over it and I kept him a little longer to make sure and sent him back to the shelter to be adopted, where he promptly came down with another cold. Another round of treatment and more love and back to the shelter he went. etc.

By the time I adopted him, he was a long lanky teenage kitty that everyone was overlooking.  He was high energy and people were either adopting little kittens or adult cats. I was going to the shelter every single day to spend time with him (hoping to prevent him from getting another cold by sheer force of will) and finally I had enough and adopted him. It was totally the wrong thing to do because it put me at eight cats and my husband and I were both thinking we'd be overwhelmed since the first seven of our cats were needy enough, but he has fit in seamlessly.

He is very much an omega kitty.  He sits and waits and bides his time, and then slowly creeps in for love and attention when we are both occupied.  We call it "Skippy Time" because there really is no denying him when he sets his mind to it. You can push him aside and he just comes back - a bit like a guided missile. He is also a drooler. The other day it was Skippy Time and instead of letting him find a place I invited him in, and he was SOOOO happy that drool immediately started falling out of his mouth.

I really don't remember why I put a bow tie on Skippy the first time, but it was so darn cute and he didn't seem to care so I left it on  him, and now he wears one full time.  He actually has quite a collection of ties and I change them out from time to time.

He and Fleurp have a routine where they spar right before a meal. It is a bit more than whappy paw, but not by much.  Occasionally, they'll get into full body wrestling, but it seems to all be in good spirits.

Speaking of Skippy, here he is, and apparently it is Skippy Time.


  1. Skippy sounds like a real sweetheart - and how funny that he gets into battles with Fleurp before meals... Binga and Sparkle used to do that, and when I came to live here, Binga taught me to do that too.

  2. What a sweetheart! I love these kinds of stories with happy endings ... thank you for being his happy ending and making sure that he never knows what it is to be abandoned ever again. We love Skippy's ties and his beautiful heart.

  3. What a dollbaby! Gotta love the lover kitties!

  4. Skippy sounds very sweet. We didn't realize he wore a tie full time and thought it was only for photo ops.

  5. What a stylish mancat he is.

  6. love the expression on Fleurp's face - she's all "weirdo".... Skippy is a sweet boy and sometimes we get what we need even when we don't expect it

  7. Aw, what a sweetheart Skippy is. We're glad he ended up with was meant to be. (Though honestly, we don't understand some humans...seriously, adopt a cat saying you want him but then returning because he needs medication. Sheesh.)

  8. Lucky Skippy! He is a sweetheart, and I am sure you don't regret adopting him.

  9. Oh, we LOVE Skippy's story! Our Mom and Dad say they completely understand being mad at the people who returned him, and with you having enough and adopting him yourself!

  10. Skippy is such a handsome kitty. He's been through a lot...but I'm glad he finally got a purrfect family :-)

  11. I love reading about adoption stories. Skippy is such a beautiful addition to your large family.

    Emma and Buster

  12. I am so glad that you gave Skippy a good home. Skippy and Fleurp sound like Prancie and Phoebe before dinner :)

  13. What a sweet boy! I'm amazed that he is content to wear his ties. None of my cats have ever tolerated a halter, a hat, or anything like that.

    So glad that he became a permacat in your home!

  14. Skippy is so handsome in his bowtie and tie. Glad he found his forever home with you.

  15. What a heartwarming and touching story about Skippy. Thank you so much for giving this handsome mancat a loving home when no one wanted him. He looks absolutely adorable in his dapper ties and bows. They are purrfect on him.


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