Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My new foster kitten, Emma, needs some good thoughts.

Emma hasn't started eating on her own, so she is going to spend today at the shelter and get some fluids and see the shelter vet. Hopefully, it is just a case of worms, or something else really easy - or maybe she'll just go there and eat because she likes their food better than mine.  Either way, I don't care... just so long as she eats and comes back quickly.

As you can see, she is painfully thin, so the fact that she lost an ounce that first day was a little frightening. I went and got some goat milk and hoped that she would like that enough to take it, but she wasn't interested. I started force feeding her, and she was not a fan. It looks like she even vomited up a little.

She is active but she isn't playing. Her activity is getting you to pay attention to her. She will climb right up on you and purr, and rub all over your face. She likes to lick my nose. A lot.

I am very hopeful that this is just a blip. I should know more at the end of the day.


  1. Poor little sweet girl... I'm hoping she gets better very quickly.

  2. I hope Emma is okay and she can return to you soon. The fact that she has a lot of energy and loves you to pieces are great signs.

  3. Emma sounds like such a sweetheart - I hope she starts eating ASAP!

  4. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Sending Emma good thoughts and healing energies. Come on little Emma, we need you to get big and strong. You are in the best foster home for sick kittens, so trust the lady with the grabby hands. She will get you feeling good and having fun soon if you let her. ❤️

  5. So worrying when it isn't obvious and you can't seem to help! Hope all goes well today and she's back soon.

  6. We will send good thoughts and wishes to you and Emma. She grabbed my heart at the first sight.

  7. Poor sweet baby. Purrs to her, we hope she'll be okay! ❤

  8. I'll be anxious to hear how she's doing. Emma will get all of my good thoughts today.

  9. I'll be anxious to hear how she's doing. Emma will get all of my good thoughts today.

  10. You totally have our purrayers. We hope this really is just a blip.

  11. Praying that she decides to eat on her own.

  12. Poor girl. Bear gets more clingy and demanding of attention when he doesn't feel well. I hope she feels better soon and manages to get something down.

  13. I hope I hope I hope she starts eating soon and comes back to you. She's too sweet for words.

  14. it can be so hard those first few days....we saw the facebook update so hopefully she is doing better and back home tonight

  15. C'mon, Emma! Be a good kitten now, and eat up. You need to be big and strong, sweet babe!

  16. We saw the update on facebook. Hope this good news continues. Purrs.

    Emma and Buster

  17. Poor Emma. We are purring and praying, and sending all positive energy for her (and you)!

  18. Purrayers for sweet Emma, and for Elsie, and for you and all furbabies !

  19. Poor Emma. We're hoping she's feeling better soon.

  20. Poor little baby. i hope she starts eating. Good thoughts and purrs are sent her way.

  21. Poor Emma, I am praying for her.

  22. I hope the vet finds out what is up. She's a cutie pie. Fingers and toes crossed for her quick recovery.

    Have a purrfect day Emma. My best to your worried peeps. ☺


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