Tuesday, August 23, 2016

So, I received this email...

and then this happened..

Well, that isn't exactly how it went, and this isn't exactly what happened (I couldn't find my photo of the toy in front of the kitten room door this afternoon when I was putting together this post) but basically that's what happened..

and you know where I'm going, don't you?

Elsie and Emma are transfers up from down south, and are just over a pound and a half, so they only need a few weeks here to bulk up and make weight.  They actually have a scheduled day to be neutered, so as long as they stay healthy, we know exactly when they are going to leave.

They are flipping adorable.  Elsie, the kitten that is white with black, had so much energy she could barely contain it all. She wanted to be everywhere at once. I'm sure she has spent so much time in cages and carriers lately that to have an entire room must have blown her little mind. Emma, the black kitten with white, is very needy of attention. She spent some time buffing my face and licking my face.  Having two cat people to spend time with, who wanted to cuddle and love her, must have blown her little mind.

Emma is very, nearly painfully, thin.  I had not seen her eat anything, and she spent some time rooting on me, so I am going to get her some milk to see if that won't help bulk her up a little. I've seen Elsie eat so I am not worried about her.  Unfortunately, someone went pee on the couch, despite being told where the litter box was... but I am hoping this is a one-time 'I'm new to living in a house' type of thing.


  1. Oh boy! Cutie pies!! Cuddly cutie pies! That's awesome!

  2. Oh, Emma. Those toes.

  3. We love the small white gloves ! Purrs

  4. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Yay for new kittens! I foster in NC and can't imagine gaining control of the overpopulation situation. Where are you and what happened to change the culture there? How long has it taken?

    1. We are in Southern Maine, and it has only recently that we haven't seemed to be drowning in kittens. When I started fostering in 2002 the area was overwhelmed. Dogs weren't nearly the issue that cats were and they have actually been importing dogs from down south for maybe a decade now. Cats have been a more recent development. They have made great strides with low cost neutering and the fact that our winters hamper the breeding season helps.

  5. YAY!!! Emma has some serious ears! They are in great hands....

  6. What cuties. I hope that Emma starts eating.

  7. Such adorable tots they are. And they are in fantastic hands.

  8. Love that picture of Twee and LOVE that there are kittens in the house! :-D

  9. What sweeties! I hope Emma will start eating and putting on some weight.

  10. Mrrp? Meow!

    [SniffSniffSniff] I am a nurse cat and furry clean. Do Elsie and Emma need a wash? [PurrPurrPurrPurr]

    Lilith Kitten-Mahoney, Age 15
    Senior Nurse Cat
    The Feline Contingent

  11. Elsie and Emma have landed in kitten heaven! Yay!

  12. Oh two cutie pies. And one's my namesake too.

    Emma and Buster

  13. They are so cute, I hope you can fatten them up :)

  14. Oh how cute! We hope they start eating up a storm soon.

  15. Yay... new kitties!


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