Thursday, August 4, 2016

Thankful Thursday - All your remote are belong to me!

Nine times out of ten, if we can't find the remote we simply have to look under Jack. Same thing with cell phones or tablets. It is like the cats are drawn to them and HAVE to stand on them then sit on them.

The remote thing is fun and cute, as long as the remote is pointed away from the tv and he doesn't change the channels while settling down... which he does... a lot.


  1. "We're going to watch Animal Planet now, lady!"

  2. My human wishes it were so easy to find her phone here! The remotes never leave the top of the box. The humans here aren't big TV watchers.

  3. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Look grabby hands, I love you and all, and you're my favorite, but a mancat needs to be able to watch his shows.

  4. He who has the remote...rules the world! Or at least the TV watching. :)

  5. Murphy doesn't want the remote, but he doesn't want ME to have it either. ;-) Any time I'm holding it he paws at it and tries to bite it.
    Jack is one gorgeous hunk of cat!! Wow.

  6. Tucker use to sit on remotes. Benny will sometimes, but he will sit on nearly anything so I doubt it's the remote.

  7. Juniper has discovered the joy of the remote...and the phone. mom has to leave her phone face down for fear some kitten is going to end up calling Timbuktoo

    1. We have the Friskies fishing game on the iPad for one of our cats and now she thinks that anytime we are using it that it's for her. :-)

    2. We have the Friskies fishing game on the iPad for one of our cats and now she thinks that anytime we are using it that it's for her. :-)

  8. This is fairly hilarious! I guess this means that Jack rules the roost over there!

  9. Hey, whoever controls the remotes control....everything.

  10. Jack is doing a great job guarding the controls!

  11. Look at that handsome, HANDSOME boy. I bet no one is mad for long :)

  12. When you spend a lot of time paying attention to an inanimate object, the cat gets jealous, and puts himself on the object of attention. Then you must pay attention to him. Most commonly it is a manual computer keyboard that is sat upon. It is a very good photo here, I must say.

    greg-in-washington (Feline Cafe)

  13. MOL! We fink it's only Buster that does that!!!!

    Emma and Buster

  14. Too funny! :-) He looks so proud.

  15. Do you suppose Jack is subliminally commenting on your choice of shows?

    Too funny!

  16. That is so cute :)


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