Thursday, September 15, 2016

No, no no, *IN* the litterbox!!

If you remember, the last pair of kittens I had started using my couch to go pee when they showed up. I assumed that they did this because they were not used to the corn based litter the shelter gave me to go home with them. Once I put down a box of plain unscented scoopable litter we didn't have another problem.

I brought these kittens home and set them up with a clean and freshly filled litter box. I was confident we would not have problems this time around because they were older and I didn't have any of that new fangled funky litter for them.

Well the next morning I went to scoop the litter box and find this:

Eight plus hours of two kittens running around a room with food and water.. I found it highly unlikely that neither one of them had to use the box. I looked at the couch and was glad I didn't see anything, but wondered where they had decided to go. Something made me lift up the litter box.

Seriously?!?! How do you go pee UNDER a litter box?!?! I will admit I was tempted to put the box back where I found it and head to work, but I figured it would be easier to clean wet than later when I got home from work and it had dried. So I cleaned it up and put a pee pad down in front of the box and hoped for the best.

This is what I came home to:

The pad had been scraped on to try to cover the poop.. so whichever one of them did it knew enough to cover.. I was about to rip my hair out because I knew it was important to figure out which one of them didn't know enough to go IN the box when Cayenne came over, jumped in the box, threw some litter around and started to poop. Okay, well that answers that - mostly. I stood there what seemed like ten minutes waiting for her to finish when her sister ran over to the box (these girls do not do anything unless it is at full speed - well except apparently pooping) and she went over to the corner where the poop is (because I hadn't gotten to clean it yet because Cayenne showed up) and started to squat to pee.

I picked her up and held her waiting for the box to be free, but she wasn't having any of that. She squirmed and squirmed so I put her down outside the box, and she ran back in the box and proceeded to squat in the corner again, I picked her up again, she squirmed again, I put her down outside the box hoping Cayenne would be done by now, and she ran back in the box again and proceeded to squat.


Fortunately, by the time I picked her up, the box was free, so I plopped her in the box... which she promptly evacuated, and she went to the back of the litter area near the wall and proceeded to squat there. I attempted to put her back in the box but she was having none of it and ran away under the couch.

Who wants to bet me $10 there is poop under the couch?

The only way I know how to work with this is to cage them, so that is what I did. I felt back caging them both as I had proof Cayanne knew to use the box, but while I was trying to get Cinnamon in the box she squatted outside of the box too, so I figured to be safe, I'd lock them both up for the night.

This is what I came down to in the morning:

Apparently Cinnamon is not the brightest bulb in the bunch, but boy she is adorable! I went home at lunch time to check on them and no one had used the box, but also no one had peed on the floor. Last night it was apparent that they were using the box. *knock wood* hopefully they have learned their lesson.


  1. AWWWWWWWWWWW. Those two are cute ... and hopefully have finally started thinking inside the box ;)

  2. OMC, are they adorable! I just hope they learn to be regular litter box users soon. Geez.

  3. We luffed that good stretch coming out of the cage. MOL !

  4. Aww, bummer, the video kept buffering! We'll try again later.

  5. And I was worried about publishing a photo of a big cat peeball from the litterbox! LOL! My fingers are crossed that these two figure out the whole litterbox usage NOW!

  6. geez....the last thing you would expect from kittens this age. hopefully they figure it out quick.....

  7. What cuties. Hopefully they've figured it out now!

  8. Oh! I love me the dumb ones. ;-) They often seem to be the most affectionate. Good luck! (And I'm not taking that bet!)

  9. We hope they understand the litterbox usage quickly ! Purrs

  10. I'm sitting here reading your blog and staring at pictures of cat poop and thinking "This is MY life ! I'm just too tired to blog about it !" Hope the little stinkers catch on soon - they sure ARE adorable !

  11. Jeez...we thought using the box came naturally. Guess not.

  12. I love watching a kitty stretch.

    Emma and Buster

  13. And I thought thinking outside the box was a good thing :)


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