Monday, December 19, 2016

Keeping warm with Fleurp

There were strange going-ons at Casa de Gato over the weekend. With the winter weather blanketing the area, there was quite a bit of cold air seeping in through the windows. It is a little frustrating for me as we bought this house new, so you'd think this wouldn't be an issue, but it is a quick fix.

A bit of plastic and some heat seals the windows nice and tight to the cold, but it is might weird for the cats with all of the different noises from the unfolding of the plastic and attaching it to the windows to running of the hair dryer... well, let's just say the cats think we are so weird.


  1. Fleurp looks a little confused at all the commotion. Hopefully the plastic will stay taped down and keep the cold draft out.

  2. You'd think they'd be grateful, with you guys keeping out the cold and all.

  3. "the cats think we are so weird" Sounds like every day with a cat :)

  4. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Not an option at house of purr. Izzy is obsessed with plastic and has to lick every sliver she can find. She went from chewing everything in sight to licking plastic *facepalm*

  5. I love that name - Fleurp-and she is sooo pretty.

  6. The humans do so many things that we think are weird.

  7. that last picture is priceless. :) mom tried this once with our sliding door and all we heard was swearing

  8. Mom, why aren't you sitting down so I can get pet?

  9. Shrinkwrapping the windows does work really well. But do you have problems with your cats biting or clawing it so that it tears?

    1. fortunately, we don't. Not even when the flies come in and get stuck in there..

  10. My sister does that every year. By the end of winter at least one of her cats will manage to get between the plastic and the window.

  11. But hoomins ARE weird! We luff them anyway. PS: our mom says she would be very frustrated by this too.

  12. Fleurp looks so cute! Glad the cats will be staying warm.

  13. Fleurp is looking adorable! I'm sure kitties think us humans are weird :-)

  14. Fleurp you sure know how to snoopervise.

    Emma and Buster

  15. Fleurp, that last photo makes you look so smoochable! MWAA MWAA MWAA!

  16. Love the expression on Fleurp's face in the last photo. Priceless!

  17. We never heard of this way of making a window winter proof. You look adorable, Fleurp, and you did a great job of snoopervision. Purrs

  18. Fleurp, I love these facial expressions. You are so right. Humans can be so weird.

  19. Fleurp is so adorable.


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