Monday, December 5, 2016

Still working to tame the kittens

Paris is completely and utterly ready to be adopted. She is social, quick to purr, and she is an ask no questions kind of kitten. She will be a lovely addition to any home.

Pirate is a bit less social. He has questions. Not many, but he holds back and waits to see what happens with Paris when something new happens and when she starts purring he is quick to join in. He will need a family with some patience and hopefully a nice social cat or dog to help him realize his fears are unfounded.

Prism. Well, Prism has 100 questions. No, 101 questions. She still wants to be patted without being touched which is always amusing. She also makes me feel like the witch in Hansel and Gretel.. fattening up the kittens to eat them. No matter how many times I tell her that I don't eat kittens, she is holding off judgment on if I am telling the truth. Even when I convince her that I'm not eating her today, tomorrow is still in question.  I have started making her come to me by sitting down by the food bowls when feeding them.  She will also come to us when we are sitting quietly and if she doesn't see the hand reach out she's good.

I made the mistake of trying to replace the cover on the couch and tuck a good portion of it into where the cushions meet when Prism was sleeping under the cover. She totally got hissed off, but I was able to calm her down and get her purring rather quickly. Then this happened:


I'm sending Christmas cards out again this year, if you would like a card from me, you can send me your info or add it to my Postable account.  If you would like to send me one, my address is PO Box 94 W. Kennebunk ME 04094 (it is also in the sidebar for future reference). I also have a pile of cards left over from last year so if you would like one of those too feel free to mention that or stick all fives in the phone number at Postable.

I'm also working on creating some catnip toys to sell. Is there any interest in purchasing some? This is not a commitment, I'm just gauging interest.


  1. They are three very different kittens

  2. They ALL look like sweethearts in the video! I hope Prism figures things out sooner than later.

  3. Anonymous2:51 AM

    Sign me up for toys. The residents at House of Purr are all about toys.

  4. Thank you for the video - it made my day (and quite possibly, my week). Those three are so precious ... and each special in their own ways :)

  5. it is so interesting to see how kittens from the same litter can be so very different when it comes to people and being brave

  6. I think Prism might be my favourite, she sounds very smart!

  7. Paris: Alpha personality
    Pirate: Beta personality
    Prism: Gamma personality goes over the personality types; it's amazing information!

    1. actually, Prism is far from being a gamma :) SKippy is a Gamma so I know the personality all too well

  8. Aww I hope Prism will figure out that you are not cat eater :-)

  9. It's so interesting how they are so different. But it sounds like they help each other. Hopefully after a little more time, Prism will be more trusting. They are sooooo adorable! And you can tell Prism that ALL of us know you're not a cat eater. :-)

  10. Those are some loud kitten purrs in the video! It's amazing how different kittens in the same litter who would probably have had the same experience with humans react so differently to them. Makes you wonder about the nature or nurture aspect of scaredy-cat behavior.

  11. We know all three will find their ways into the purrfect homes.

  12. All three are adorable. I would fall in love with all foster kitties and then want to keep them. I'd be that cat lady.

    I linked this post to Awww Mondays.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your slave. ☺

  13. They're just so darn cute!
    Have a wonderful week...

    Noodle and crew

  14. Someone (or multiple someones) is doing a lot of purring in that video.

  15. Oh my goodness! It has been too long since I have heard a kitten purr. What a sweet video. The trio is adorable. ♥

  16. Love the new look! And I want to play with those kittens!

  17. I got my card. Thank you! Love seeing the kitties.

  18. Awwww! They’re adorable. I still want to be petted w/o being touched. TW thinks I had some trauma involving hands before I was caught. If I’m sleeping, she can pet me all she wants. When I’m awake, my eyes follow her hands and I go to bite if I see them approach me.


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