Monday, September 10, 2012

Theo update

So I mentioned the kittens weren't gaining weight.  Well Theo seemed to have things the worst.  While he wasn't losing weight he was still growing and thus he was starting to feel like fur and bones.

I broke out the turkey baby food and while that interested him, he is the most dainty eater I've ever seen.  I've seen week old kittens eat more heartily then he does.  Don't get me wrong, it was freakingly adorable, tiny little licks taking tiny little bite, but I needed him to eat a lot more then he was going to be able to so I force fed him.  That did not go over all that well to his dignity, but I'm sure his body appreciated it.  I was hoping that by getting him started he'd take the next few steps on his own.  Sadly I didn't see huge improvement, but he did go over and have a few bites of the raw we brought down to entice them all to eat.

Yesterday this happened..
Yup that is Theo walking around, taking a sniff then voicing his complaint over the menu.  He walked away and I picked him up and cuddled him for a while.  Still feeling boney I decided to break open a can of kitten formula.  I offered it to him and he had a few dainty licks and walked away.  Yea, well, that wasn't good enough for me, so I force fed him enough to fill up his belly.  He wasn't happy with me, but he let me and didn't spit it out which I considered a victory.

I also found this.  See the blue in the middle?
Apparently he got a piece of litter stuck on his penis when he was peeing and when he 'put it away' the piece of litter got stuck.  It took more the just a flick to get rid of it.. Oh the things I will do for kittens.. :)

He is still very happy and active and a general pain so I'm still not 'worried' about him.


  1. Come on lil Theo! Eat up! Don't you wanna grow up to be a big strong fluffy boy?! They are all super adorable!

  2. Yep - there is one is every crowd. We hope they get the message soon and start eating like they should. :) Gin was doing that last night - I didn't put out canned for their evening "snack" and while everyone else ate, she sat there and complained.

  3. Oh boy, that piece of litter could not have felt good! Ouch.

    1. Try Brussels pate mashed up and slightly warmed,my old cat Smokey loved it I used to have on hot toast as a snack and he would be right there trying to take it out of my mouth as I was eating it so I would have to give him a bit,if they like it you could then mix it with their other food

  4. Oh, the little guy! The good thing is that he IS interested to eat, just not eat a lot.

  5. It is great that you are taking this all in stride - my human would be a terrible kitten foster, she would be over the top stressed out about now over Theo! She worries way to much, and we cats, being sensitive creatures, tend to absorb that not-so-good energy.

  6. Did Theo act funny when the litter got stuck? My dog acts funny when it happens. So I will know to check.


  7. Ouch! Poor little guy. I hope he gets into the habit of eating soon!

  8. Come on kittens! You gotta eat more, get all round and cuddly!

  9. Hey kitties...the rounder your bellies get, the more people will skritch them!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  10. What a sweet boy! They are all adorable, but I love that little face. I hope he catches on to how important it is to eat soon, good luck!

  11. maybe there is something about his litter mates that bothers him? Do they bully him?


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