Monday, May 6, 2013

Alfalfa head..

So apparently Odilia has her own built in mohawk.

It's been there since she came to me.
I flatten it and poof, it comes right back
She is also starting to pounce.. it is absolute ridiculousness.  She has NO idea where she is pouncing to.  The first time she did it she was across the room and I am pretty sure she intended to pounce on me, half a room away.  All she did was a little hop that almost made me fall over from laughing.  She did it again last night when my husband was in the room.. he too was nearly slain from the adorableness.

She is a climber as well.. and she climbed up me to my shoulder, which is kind of amusing since she is afraid to get down.  We are working on that, and she has jumped off my leg a couple of times, each time getting a bit better at it.

Here is another video to brighten your Monday morning..


  1. Funny little thing... she looks like she does not quite know what to do with herself!

  2. It's so amazing and sweet to watch her grow and sort out her world. If I were in your shoes, I'd find it very, very, very hard to give her up for adoption. Of course, you can't foster if you keep everyone. LOL.

  3. LOL! Cute ~ what a sweetie.
    xo Catherine

  4. love the hair-do!!

    I was afraid she was going to pounce herself right into the water dish :)

  5. she is just adorable,I hope she gets the special home she deserves

  6. That definitely brightened up my Monday afternoon! What a cutie-pie! Odilia is just so sweet. I love her fur!

  7. We just brighten up when we watch Miss Odilia!

  8. Oh that little mohawk is so so cute!


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