Monday, September 2, 2013

Kittens demand freedom

So this weekend I thought it might be time to let the kittens have the free run of the room. They graduated from the white box, to a large cardboard box to the base of the cage, and were making escape attempts..

I had to clean the room and clean them again.  They have been cleaner than they had been, but several of them still had behinds that needed some tending to.  Smedley was the worst and it was 'caked on' and needed some shampoo. Even with extra soaking and soap he was still extremely uncomfortable while I was cleaning him and he actually bit me several times - it totally broke my heart. I got 90% of it off so hopefully Snow can take care of the rest of it.  I let them walk around the room while I gave them baths and returned them to the cage to dry off and keep each other warm while I cleaned up the rest of the room.  They complained quite fiercely while I was working on it, and Issac Arnold decided he was fed up with this "kitty jail' flapdoodle, and he decided to take matters in to his own paw..

Yes, his head is the size of a ping pong ball.. No, his siblings can't get their head through, they totally tried..

Since I wasn't actually done cleaning the room I stuck him back in the cage and quickly worked through the rest of it hoping he wouldn't pull that again, but I didn't need to worry. When I was finally ready and had the camera and video camera in hand I opened up the cage door... and got this..

They are out and about now and are hanging with Snow under the couch. Issac Arnold and Smedley are the first to come out and see me. I am getting close to naming them, mostly because I'm getting closer to being able to tell everyone apart.


  1. Absolutely adorable! Way to go figuring that you could get out, Issac Arnold! Paws up! You're so smart to try that.

  2. They're growing so fast! Way to jailbreak, Issac Arnold. We think it's especially cute that they were all worn out by the time you opened the cage. Too much excitement like that must be napped away.

  3. They are so cute! Glad they want to explore. Soon Issac Arnold's head will be too big for the easy escape! Have a great day.

  4. too that he fit THROUGH the cage :)

  5. Hehehe the intrepid explorer,grow up fast don't they,xx Rachel

  6. OMG. The pictures of Issac Arnold squeezing though the bars and practically stomping across the room made me laugh!

  7. So much cute in such itty bity kitties!

  8. lol what an escape artist and he looked like he was on a mission. Man they are growing more and more every post!

  9. There is nothing that cheers up a heart more than kittens.

  10. All that screaming and complaining must be TIRING!

  11. Awww this is so adorable! Tonnes of hard work I know, but so worth it when you look into those beautifuly blue diamonds that they have for eyes.

  12. They are so precious and adorable! Issac Arnold made a great escape!
    The last photo made me smile big :-)

  13. Oh my gosh, Isaac is one determined kitten! They are getting cuter every day!

  14. OMC! Those kittens are gonna be a pawfull! ;)

  15. MOL! Look at him sticking his head through the cage! I wonder if he'll be a trouble maker when he grows up.

  16. OMC! They're so tiny and so cute!

  17. So sweet! Love his determination!


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Anonymous10:44 AM

    They are absolutely adorable!


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