Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thankful Thursday - Issac Arnold

Well our dear Issac Arnold has hit 11 oz.  He is producing solid stools, and is eating like a champ.  Even better, his head is now as large as a ping pong ball and he can not fit it through the bars of the cage.  He is a total flirt with DH, and LOVES to have his belly rubbed.  I so hope someone who reads this is willing and able to adopt him because I would so love to hear how he grows up.  At 11 oz he is still exactly half the size of his healthier siblings.. and I can't help but wonder if he is a 'little cat' or if he is just that way because of the lack of nutrition in the first few weeks of life.

Smedley says he couldn't care less about what I think about Issac Arnold.. and thinks I should kiss his belleh!

Kiss it right here please!
He is a big fan of the belly rub and fully body kisses..


  1. I'll sign up to give him belly rubs and kisses. What a precious little doll. :-)

  2. Are you looking at me? ;-)

  3. I am sure with a cute face like that, he will have no problem finding an amazing home!

  4. He has the face of an angel and he is going to be one very lucky little boy!!!

  5. I am so glad he's doing better--and perhaps his growth will be stunted. But he's still as cute as a button, no matter what size he will be.

  6. Oh my word, could they get any cuter?! I hope he continues to improve and that his forever home is just right around the corner.

  7. I was telling a fellow foster about Issac and his head going through the bars and she laughed like crazy. :) Glad he continues to grow and do well....

    As for Smedley - mwah!!

  8. It's great he is growing. And I would love to see how he grows up in the future, too.
    He's got such an adorable belly. I wanna give big smooches!

  9. If I were closer I would take Issac in a heart beat! I'm sure everyone here hopes a reader adopts him too!

    That Smedley is also a little charmer. That belly...*sigh* LOVE.

  10. Oh, that little Issac Arnold is so so cute.

  11. Little dude, you are cute all over!

  12. Issac Arnold is too adorable. Hooray for him finally hitting 11 oz! It's a good thing we live so far away or we would be tempted to adopt him into the blogosphere.

  13. OMC! We can't take all the cuteness.

  14. Hooray for Issac! His eyes are beginning less huge in his little face. Good work in getting him healthy.

    I'd take either one of these babies...if only I lived close enough!

  15. My Mom and I adore this darling baby kit, I would love to take him but we too live far away- in OR. Please kiss that belleh for me, I would smoochie him all day and cuddle him with purrs all night. Purrrrrrrr!!!!!
    -Ms. Phoebe

  16. Oh bless your little hearts you beautiful babies! What precious beings you are. Sending you all purrs that you will continue to feel better and better.

  17. Aww what a cutie! Hi Issac! We're glad you're doing better sweetheart!


  18. Awww... aren't they cute!
    I am so glad that Isaac Arnold is doing better!

  19. You are one kyootie Issac!
    We would bring you right in if we had room at the .

  20. Holy CAT! Warn us mommy if you're gonna SQUEE like that! And NO, I will NOT "do a Smedley" for you. Pffffft. ~Faraday

  21. Anonymous1:12 PM

    -- and his flexible cute tongue. :P


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