Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Heading home

Leaving is bitter sweet..

I am sorry that plans had to be abandoned due to what was going on at home, and I spent a good portion of this nice relaxing trip stressed out of my gourd, so extra time would be really nice..

But boy do I want to be home.

Jack is doing well and should be able to be released by the time I get home late this afternoon..providing that the storm entering the area does not delay me..

4-7 more inches on top of the four and a half we already have. Sigh. Winter in Maine I guess I should just so complaining..

I'm doing my best to convince Lowenstein to come home with me, he is totally not buying it..

Kiss your kitties today and hug them a smidge tighter than cat rules permit and smile that you can


  1. Ugh, I really wish you hadn't said that part of about kissing and hugging kitties... my human is probably going to take it to heart. Purrs to Jack, and to you.

  2. That is 4 to 6 more on top of the foot and a half we all ready have (looks like mid January around here with the snow piles! Glad you and Jack will both be home soon... Jubal sends purrs (and complaints about too tight hugs!)

  3. Travel safe so you can give that little boy extra hugs!

  4. I hear you about the snow--we've gotten snow three times this week, and it's snowing now again. (sigh). I hope you are soon home and with the Crew again.

  5. safe travels and kisses to Jack upon your return....

  6. We hope you'll be home very soon and surrounded by your crew. :)

  7. travel safe and yes we got hugged all the time.

    emma and buster

  8. stay safe Connie,and cuddle the kitties,xx Speedy

  9. Maxwell: Momma! Oooof! I'm not the Charmin! Auntie Connie!!!!!!!!

  10. We hug our kitties a lot anyway, but this just gives us even more reason to love them up. :)

    Wishing you safe travels, Connie, and a happy and hug-filled reunion upon your arrival home.

  11. We are glad Jack is doing well and we purr you get home soon :)
    Mom always loves to give us hugs and kisses.heehee
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure,Tiger and JJ

  12. We hope you had a safe trip home....and we're glad that Jack is doing better.


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