Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Blogging for peace my big furry behind

I am so not talking to you right now

So rumor has it today is supposed to be a day of peace (and sadly not piece, like in pieces of chicken which we totally love) but apparently our momma didn't get that memo (someone PLEASE help her, she obviously needs it) and decided today was to be as not peaceful as felinely possible.. 

Yes, you guessed it, I was taken to the vet!! To make things worse, she brought Muffin, Fleurp and Kit with me.. (and yes she drooled again, stealin all of my attentions) 

And yes, she forgot to bring a drool bib for Kit and slobber went everywhere.. I did my best to stay out of the way by staying in my basket of protection, but I hears everything.. 

I was there to make sure that my thyroid was doing well. It was so pointless, momma KNOWS it is doing well because I'm not peeing all over the house and I'm slowly losing the weight I gained.. but you know those doctor types, always wanting proof.. so I let him has some more of my bloods.. 

Muffin was there for a check up. She's been vomiting a little more than 'normal' so they took some of her bloods too. The doctor said that she checked out okay physically. Momma said she used to have a bump behind her ear that has been there for months, but wasn't there today.. isn't that always the way?!?

Fleurp was there to make sure her RBC is in the normal range. We expect that it is because things have been going well with her too. For some odd reason she has started licking the mirror lately, but I thinks she does it for attention.. (attention that SHOULD be mine!!) but again those doctor things like proof, so she had bloods stolen too.

Kit went because she has had a major case of ADR going on lately. No one symptom lasts more than a day or two. She was congested this past weekend and didn't eat at all but then went on an eating spree on Monday. Sometimes she purrs funny, today she had a bit of loose stool.. She is a petite little girl, and she is eight and a half so momma thought that she should have some bloods stolen too.. and the vet tooks them. *sigh* I hope he isn't a vampire.. 

Fleurp, don't stand on Muffin.. 

Even under duress I am handsome

The vet said we all checked out okay, but we do have to wait for the bloods to come back (where are they going? and I hope they don't hurt as much coming back as they did being taken) but now it is so very much naptime.. 

and I totally think the momma should be giving us lots of treats to make up for this.. I don't care if she has a splinter in her hand and it swelling, she can still open up those treats... I know because she just fed herself..  and at the very least she could be kissing me.. 



  1. Oh oh OH! Jack, what an incredible development! Muffin, Fluerp and Kit...with you...all hauled away and mauled and stabbed! It's unbelievable, such mistreatment! Major treats should be given out for this indignity! And yes, you look fab no matter what. Kit foaming at the mouth is a sight to see!

    1. And I hope everyone's blood tests come back okay!

  2. Jack, obviously it's not been a very peace-full...or even piece-full, day at all. For the record, we'd prefer the latter. Pieces of kibble, we mean!

    Purrs and paws crossed for everyone's test results. Our biped saw huge dollar signs, reading this! :-O

  3. rude...just rude.....haul you all off and NO TREATS!!! report her....

  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Hey Jack- is us Nicklaus and Dusty. We keeps the SPCA on speed dial on our iPaws so we can report such mistreatment and any ensuing under allotment of treats. You wants me to tell you the number just FaceTime me and I tells you. Love, Dusty Oh and by the way you should act all clingy and maybe limp a little where the vampire vet bit you cause then your mom will feel all guilty and then you gets the kisses.

  5. I'm sure your Momma is happy to give you all the kisses you want.

  6. Oh poor Kit, you look the way Tucker used to when I would try to pill him. We hope you forgive her soon.

  7. The vet??? That is so NOT peaceful. Well, we hope those bloods come back "good" for you all.

  8. Oh, that drolling picture just slays me. It's no wonder that kitty grabbed all of our attention! That's some epic drool!

  9. Yeah, how much work can opening up some treats be? Certainly a LOT less work than dragging all of you to the vet!

  10. Jack you did a great job reporting about your vet visits and you should be giving us feedback whether you were lavished with treats when you got back home. I hope all the tests come back favorable. We do think that your vet is a vampurr with all the bloods he had stolen from you all. Take care.

    Emma and Buster

  11. Well, that sure wasn't a very peaceful day, was it??

  12. My gosh, what an ordeal you all had. Those treats should be free-flowing at your house. We'll be purring that all the blood work comes back okay. Our angel sister, Steamer, used to drool like that when she went to the evil vet. Then she would shake her head and throw it everywhere. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. Jack that VET sure did steal a lot of blood from all of you. Hope that VET takes good care of your bloods. Sending healing purrs to all of you

  14. Aaaaaaaaaw And we fawt we slobbered and dwooled a lot. Bless yous heart. Glad yous all be duin' well. Sendin' purrayers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  15. You are very handsome even after a non peaceful day.

  16. Holy CAT, Jack, your momma totally did NOT blog for peace with all THAT sneaky and ebil action!!!


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