Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Spottacus and Ren come to visit

I bet you recognize this face.. Yup, Spottacus and Ren stopped by after being adopted by my friend Lori.  Lori lives in Maine and traveled two and a half hours to adopt them so I invited them over for a visit and a quick lunch. While we were visiting we decided to let the boys run around and use the litter box if necessary.  I thought they might like a snack as well

Which they very much did. Spottacus visited his mom, and Ren visited his

And they ran and they played.. it was good for them (and I got to get in a few more kitten huffs)

An interesting thing happened.. I asked Lori if she was going to keep their names and she said she was probably going to keep Ren's name because she was a fan of Footloose. I laughed because that is exactly where the name came from.  This is the second time I have unknowingly named kittens after their future owner's favorite characters.. (well that I know of) the first one was Buffy, Zander, and Oz who ended up being adopted by someone I went to high school with and who was a huge fan of the show. Spottacus is going to be Willis after Ren's friend in the movie (and because she thinks Willard is a weird name for a cat) While I'm sad he isn't keeping the name, I do love the new one.

I also didn't realize how much they look alike to people who do not know them. I can tell them apart easily, but when we were pointing out differences so she could know, most of the markings were very similar. I'm sure she can tell them apart pretty easily now too.


  1. What a fun visit!

  2. Fabulous that your friend adopted those two, so you'll get updates on their progress. Such adorableness; Bon Voyage Ren and Willis!

  3. Kitten huffing! We love that.

  4. glad you got a visit....and we know you will be getting updates

  5. They are such cutie pies! Spottacus is cute name but Willis is great, too :-)
    P.S. About supplement, I get pre-mix from Alternative Nutrition (web is knowwhatyoufeed). There are three types :-)

  6. What a nice visit ! Purrs

  7. It sounds like Ren and Willis will have a great home. :)

  8. As the cats would say "Pawsome!" So nice to get another visit in with you and their moms.



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