Thursday, April 18, 2019

Thankful Thursday

Hail, Hail the gangs all here.  I have been very worried about the littlest one and last night I wondered if it wasn't kinder to let him go. He has been struggling and I can only imagine what he has gone through in his short life. This morning he seems a tiny bit better, so despite not being able to sleep I will work with him to keep going.

April is doing well. She is a little picky when it comes to food, which makes things a little difficult, but she is starting to feel like she is filling out a bit.. or maybe I'm projecting because I want it to happen.

I am also thankful to all of you for your support. Sometimes when you are knee deep in chaos you can feel like you are all alone, but you have all made it easy to remember that I'm not. Those of you that have reached out to me, those of you who have just sent things along, to everyone who donated to the cause. I thank you from the bottom of my exhausted heart.  Thank you!!!

And a big thank you to the CatMan. He brought these flowers home from an event and brought them right down to the kitten room for me to enjoy.

He has put up my addled brain, my need for additional support, has learned that when I wave my hand in some random direction what I mean, and he has made sure I have been eating vegetables.


  1. Yay for getting healthy and good job Cat Man

  2. That's an awesome Catman, he truly gets you. The kitties their purrs for the little ones.

  3. I'm glad the little one is doing a bit better. As for picky eaters, we have two of them. I recently found out that when I put a few treats in front of their bowl, they first eat the treats and then eat the food they rejected just a minute before. Maybe worth a try?

  4. Catman sure knows how to make you feel so much better. The flowers are gorgeous. We all admire you so much for what you do for the kitties. April and her babies would not have made it without your love and care. Please take care of yourself, too. Things will get better.

  5. I'm sending extra purrs to the littlest kitten, so he keeps continuing in the right direction. You do have much to be thankful for.

  6. So glad the little one is doing better. Two of ours are at the vet right now with bad diarrhea. Fingers crossed as it is just running out of them.

  7. Sending more purrs and good thoughts.

  8. Sorry, I missed this post somehow, and have already read about Fletcher; I'm so sorry. I made a donation to NH Kittens, and my company matches it, so I hope it helps. Thank you for all that you do! (And CatMan too!)


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