Friday, August 2, 2019

Cabana and the gang #Cabanaandthegang

From left to right: Capa, Cabana, Casey and Cape

The only thing more pathetic in the world of fostering than a sick kitten who can't breath well is this bunch.. I mean come on.. aren't they breaking your heart??

I was able to "peek under the hood" of three out of four of these guys and I am fairly certain Capa, Casey and Cape are all girls. Cabana.. no.. Cabana elects to have nothing to do with me thankyouverymuchisssss  And that is fine.  My job right now is to simply gain their trust.

Interesting, Casey was pretty easy. She started purring right away. Not "I love you" purrs, and she does not come to me and she still shrinks from me when I reach for her, but I has hope. She is in Camp Maybe

Capa.. yeah.. She's still in Camp No.. She's the littlest of the bunch.  I was able to trim a few nails tonight and I took off the yellow collars of any kitten that would engage with me (which you can totally read that Cabana has his) and I have a feeling they aren't all from the same litter as they didn't have consecutive numbers and there is quite a bit of size difference from Cabana..

Cape totally needs a new name (suggestions?). Anyway.. I can pick her up and I think I might have her in Camp Maybe. I was able to pick her up and love on her last night and when I put her down she didn't run like Capa does..

Sadly, it looks like they have coccidia as the litter box was filling up fast and none of it was tootsies and they were drinking a ton of water. I'm kinda proud of the fact that I was able to medicate them all (yes, even Cabana) without a drop of blood spilled and I'm fairly certain no trust lost. .. because this happened about 12 hours later..

Yup, Cabana walked in my general direction!!  Now, granted, I was waving one of the collars I took off of the other kittens so Cabana wanted to play.. but the fact that he was willing to engage in ANYTHING while I was around was huge.. HUGE.. I mean like my heart did a little happy dance huge..

Now I'm not saying I am going to get him to turn into a social love you and snuggle up to your neck kitten.. but I will totally take a slightly opened door and see what I can do with it..


  1. Oh they are so cute. How old are the kittens when you get them and how long do you typically foster them?

    Emma and Busgter

  2. They are definitely heartbreakers and so challenging.

  3. Cape's eyes ... I love them all, but Cape is special.

    1. I agree - she is so cute. There’s something super appealing about her.

  4. Things are sounding a lot more hopeful had me worried yesterday. Well, except for the coccidia. I hope you get a jump start on that...the sooner you start meds the better...but you knew that.

  5. Such adorable guys. I have hope for their future.

  6. Definitely more hopeful than the last post. Little ones, this is a good bean. If we could, we'd tell them they are in a safe place and will be well cared for. Purrs!

  7. If these kittens come around, it's because they were placed with you! I can't believe Cabana in that last shot. After medicating earlier, yet.

  8. You can do it! You are the kitten whisperer, and let's hope the meds take hold quickly!

  9. What cuties! We know you'll win them over...and Cabana will be eating outta your hand in no time. ;)

  10. They are all so adorable.

  11. Adorable! Every single one. Do your magic, we know they'll be adoptable in no time. :)

  12. Definitely heartbreaking. How about changing Cape's name to Catalina?

  13. They are all such sweethearts! Fingers crossed that they continue to build trust. :-)

  14. How about Crepe instead of Cape?


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