Thursday, June 27, 2013

Odilia wearing her crazy pants

My husband and I have a habit of watching a movie and pulling catch phrases from it that enter our life.  More than once we have re-watched a movie and we both had to do a double take when we hear a line we have quoted back and forth to one another so many time we had forgotten where we heard it..

One phrase we use in particular isn't even a real quote from a movie.  We were watching Toy Story and Mr. Potato Head puts on his angry eyes when he is angry.  We quite often joke that our kitties (Kit in particular) puts on her crazy eyes when she gets particularly playful.

The other day Odilia was being particularly playful, in that crazy kitten sort of way.  One of us commented that she had her crazy eyes on, but then we both laughed, and the other one of us coined a new phrase just for Odilia.. She is wearing her crazy pants.  (OK fine, it probably isn't a new phrase in general, but it was funny for us, and I wanted to share :) and she was being particularly crazy: turning quickly, swatting at nothing, rolling over, etc all while on top of the climbing tower)

Looking particularly pleased with herself.. 
a fairly good photo of her 'eyes'


  1. My human has met Odilia and she says she knows how to make crazy pants a fashion statement!

  2. I've been saying crazy pants for years I give you permission to use it whenever the mood strikes you ;)

  3. I love it when the kitties get all crazy pants. Odilia is really adorable, crazy pants or not. :)

  4. Crazy kitten routine always makes you laugh,xx

  5. Those are some VERY CUTE crazy pants!!!

  6. I think the folks at Katnip Lounge have been using crazy pants for years, but for Odilia it's a perfect fit!

  7. goofy is good to go crazy once in a while :)

  8. Oh how cute! I would have loved to Odilia in action, but I can tell she was having a good time. :)

  9. We've worn our crazy pants too! You go, Odilia!

  10. See, I always knew those psychotic episodes weren't caused by something kittens--or adult cats--saw, it's all in their crazy little heads!

  11. Anonymous5:55 AM

    She looks like she was having a whale of a time!

  12. Photo #4 - PURRfect! You GO girl!

  13. Miss Crazy Pants certainly seemed to be having a good time. We admire her "can do" attitude. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  14. Please tell me you have decided to keep her?!
    If I lived closer I would adopt her in a heartbeat :-)

    1. Nope, sorry Janet, but she is going to a blogger, so there will be regular updates on her.

    2. Oh, we'll if not you, then I am so glad to be able to keep in touch with her :-) XO


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