Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Sunday night I wrote up a blog post about Scotty and what was going on and then I thought better of posting it because I tend to get over emotional and I know it.. I don't want to burn bridges, and the rational part of my brain does not expect the world to work as I want it to.. but the red headed, heart on her sleeve, inner ten year old me sometimes has other things to say - and occasionally she accesses my blog.

I had it all worked up, I proof read it, and I was about to hit post, but at that point it was 2 AM (2 AM during a super full moon to boot), and I thought better of it.  Things were either going to work out, or they wouldn't, and either way the post could wait.

Having discussions with my husband, the thought dawned on me that Scotty has now been out of the house for almost a week, and went into someone else's house and was exposed to who knows what.  Not being a fan of mixing litters for the exact reason of "exposed to who knows what" and just having mixed four different sets of kittens - each one exposed to 'who knows what" As much as I wanted Scotty back because I missed him and I'm sure Trevor misses him, I have had a little too much of "who knows what" going on right now for my own comfort..

Part of me wanted to just not deal with it any more.  Part of me wanted to be that temper tantrum throwing two yr old and cause a big stink of the fact that this kitten was kitten napped out from under my care.  (and part of me did.. hopefully most of it was in private) and the adult side of my brain said: Look, he's being taken care of.  Just because it is not by you doesn't mean he isn't fine.

This is true.  How it all went down though, the lack of consideration for me in almost all this is really where I am more than a little cheezed off, but alas, I really am not in this for me am I?

I got a call this morning from the awesome shelter worker (who always replies to me even if she doesn't know he answer.. I love that in an employee and in a person) saying I just wanted to let you know that Scotty wouldn't be in until after 10 AM so if you were planning on coming before that, know he wouldn't be here..

So now I had a decisions to make, ignore the whole thing, let Scotty go emotionally and let him land where he was going to land, or go in and face the decision if I should bring him home and open that 'who knows what' door again..  Well I can't seem to let things go and leave them unfinished.  I didn't think it would be very professional nor very considerate of me to just not go in and not follow up on things.  So around 2 PM I went in.

Scotty was there, feeling thin.  He was back down to 1lb 2oz.. which is not good (his max weight at my house was 1lb 4oz) They said his stools were liquid again, and you could feel his spine.  But he ate in front of me, he purred, was bright eyed, he was ambulatory and investigatory of his environment.. So what ever is going on with him is still going on, but he's hanging in there..

He is also back with his sister.  The woman that brought Scotty into the shelter found another kitten in the same area.  His sister is beautiful, but frightened, and dramatically larger than Scotty.  I have to say the inclusion of the sister - especially with a small scratch/wound on her temple - made it a LOT easier for me to make the decision to not bring him back to Casa de Gato.

So good luck Scotty, I will be thinking of you for some months now I'm sure.. May what ever is wrong with you work its way through and you become the handsome strong specimen of a mancat you were born to be..

As I was leaving, there was a cage full of kittens waiting to be adopted.. They were oh so cute - the first one looking very much like Jack did when he was a baby..

*sigh* looking at healthy beautiful kittens does fix a multitude of sins.. I'm telling you... powerful medication those kittens.. they need a warning label.


  1. Good luck, Scotty. It is good that his sister was found, and I hope the two of them can stay together somehow. That kitten does look like a baby Jack.

  2. Sending good thoughts and vibes to Scotty and so glad he is with his sister. We cats are pretty resilient so I'm betting on Scotty to make a full recovery! Meow and Namaste! ~ Pippy the Feline Yogini

  3. Good luck to Scotty and his sister. I have one of those inner 10 year old too - fortunately she gets stepped on by the adult in me most of the time. :) It is so hard....we get attached, are sure "we" can do the best for them. There is no easy answer...but I am glad he has another kitten to keep him company.

  4. to me its the lack of respect to keep you hanging with no info is wrong but some times you have to bite your tongue and keep quiet unles you want to stop helping these kitten.so good luck to Scotty and his sister.
    What I'd like to know is how do you get a cat to eat when she is fussy,she will eat something couple of times then won't eat it again and tinned food makes her vomit a lot and she has a problem with hair balls I've even got my mother in-law to try raw and home cook meat wich has helped with the hair ball problem she has only brought one up today which is the first in a week instead of every other day.the cat prefers dry food but doesn't drink water very much so we are trying to keep her off the dry food as she gets constipated we have to give her liquid parafin to make her go but she won't eat the food with on and I don't want to force feed her the parafin from the vet,she's lost some weight but full blood test have come back with nothing wrong,I'm at a loss to know what to do.got any ideas?xx Rachel

  5. Purring Scotty gets better. Hopefully being with his sister will help.

  6. We wish all the best for Scotty. We think that must be one of the hardest things about fostering...cutting those emotional ties.

  7. Hopefully whatever is causing poor little Scotty issues, will be resolved soon. Poor little guy!

  8. The ten-year-old redhead needs to have her say sometimes! You just don't always have to post it, just listen to what she has to say. It's hard to let them go even if you "know" someone else won't take as good care as you would. The miracle is that the kittens made it to the adoption system in the first place, they are being cared for by loving hands instead of losing their lives, and you have the chance to help as many kittens as you can handle. Hoping for the best for Scotty!

  9. I haven't done nearly as much rescue work as you, but I still think about everyone of my kitties that have come through here. I send up prayers for them and wonder how they are doing. You have done well to help so many kitties - thanks for all you do!!

  10. We hope Scotty's health improves and he is able to find a great furever home, maybe even with his sisfur. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  11. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Good luck to Scotty! hope he gets better!


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