Sunday, August 18, 2013

Momma is feeling slightly better..

So I went down to see the kittens and their nest was an ABSOLUTE MESS (imagine that bold and flashing as well) so apparently Momma (man she needs a name) isn't taking care of bathroom duties at this point.  I looked around the room and noticed she had a few bites of some food I left out.

She was hiding behind the couch, so I said hi and went to get some food for the kittens.  I hadn't brought any down because I wasn't sure if I was going to need to run them all to the shelter, but since she had eaten she didn't need to be run there immediately.  I fed, 'dewatered' and cleaned up the kittens and changed out the bedding.  Several of them ate a lot, but a couple only took a few ounces and they felt nice and heavy so I am guessing her milk hasn't totally dried up.  I sat in the room watching tv for a while and a few minutes later I heard soft purring.  Momma had moved out from behind the couch and into a box I had placed near the couch and was sitting there purring.  I reached down to pat her and she totally flinched.. so we still have some work to do on trust issues.

I finally got her out and weighed her and she was mostly holding her weight from yesterday as she was 5lbs 4 oz. so I have decided to hold off bringing her to the shelter.  The only thing they could do for her today would be to give her fluids and I don't think the benefit of getting fluid will out weight the stress on her.

She still nurses the kittens sitting up so I think she is uncomfortable    I am hoping that the food I gave her will all be eaten and things have 'settled down' but we'll see.  What ever she needs, she'll get.


  1. Poor sweet girl. Hope she is on the upward side of whatever is ailing her. Sending lots of purrs!

  2. She is holding steady. Make sure you take care of yourself too as this is very stressful all around. Keeping her there is probably best as the stress of transport may just add to her discomfort.
    Thanks for doing such a good job

  3. we're keeping our fingers crossed for her,xx Rachel

  4. Hopefully Mamacat will continue to eat and eat better.

  5. ((hugs)) for the Momma.

  6. Paws crossed for Mom - holding pattern is good for now.

  7. Good to hear she's stable at least, I certainly hope she continues to get better. Your care and support is priceless!

  8. the nursing sitting up thing makes me curious. I have seen momma cats do it, but not all the time like that. agree that so long as she is eating something, the stress to her isn't worth it. Hopefully it isn't anything serious....

  9. Poor mom . . . it is so sad that she is so stressed!

  10. Poor Momma Cat. But we love reading she was purring!

  11. Paws crossed that her stabilizing weight is the step before putting some back on. We know she's in good hands with you, and we hope she feels better soon.

  12. Even if she flinched, just moving toward you is huge, the box is protection and the purr is self-comfort, but it sounds like she's reaching out.


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