Friday, August 16, 2013
The one where the momma loses the bird instead of giving it to US!!
Momma was late to work as usual. I don't know why she continues to go, we do our best to tell her we want her to stay home with us all the time. Why just this morning six of us held her down and tried to purr her into submission (that Kit was off busy with the Dad) but some how she thwarted our ministrations and got dressed and left..
What she didn't know, and what we did, was there was a birdie in the garage. We were SOO hoping that it would fly into one of our mouths (It totally would have been mine! ~Jack) but no.. she shut the door and frantically tried to shoo the bird out the garage door! THE NERVE! She even went so far as to try to give it directions, like it understands people talk.. she is oh so silly!
The birdie tried to fly into the house, TWICE!, but that stupid door was in the way.. (I'm telling you, it so wanted to be my after breakfast snack! ~Jack) and it flieded up over the garage door so it couldn't make it out. Finally it went to one of the windows tired and exhausted. The momma got a towel and tried to manhandle it out of the garage, but the bird was covered in cobwebs and she wasn't sticking her girly fingers in that mess, so she got another towel to shoo those away too. She finally picked up the birdie and we all got oh so excited dreaming of chewing on feathers, but she WENT OUTSIDE WITH IT!!
Apparently she felt the need to get rid of the cobwebs wrapped around the birds feet.. we can't disagree with that, who wants to nibble cobwebs?? It really grossed her out, but she put on her big girl panties and pulled remnants of fly carcasses and spider egg sacks off from the birdies feet. We waited so patiently, and we think the birdie knew it was doomed because it was mouth breathing and when she finally unwrapped it from the towel it refused to fly off. (Someone get the plates!! ~Fleurp) (*drool* ~Skippy)
We waited for it to drop over dead cause we like our food like that.. dead and stuff. (And ground up and on a silver plate thankyouverymuch ~Muffin) but it just hopped a little and flew TOWARDS THE MOM! *seven pairs of eyes widen* and it clung to her shirt.. *shudder*. (I'll save you mom! Just give me the chance!! ~Skippy) We think the mom was as stunned as we were, because all she did was shake the rest of the spider debris out of the towel. We are SURE she was about to recapture the birdie and bring it to us when *gasp* the darn bird FLEW OFF! MOUSES!
It flew all the way across the yard and up into the trees.. Stupid slow mom is never gonna catch us another one of those.. all she seems to be able to bring home is more kittens!! (don't forget that yummy stuff in cans she brings us!! ~Muffin) (oh yea ~Everyone else)
OK, Momma is pretty awesome, even if she did lose the bird..
It looks like a small female yellow warbler got stuck in my garage today. Normally I can just shoo the birds around until they find the great big huge opening in the garage, but this one just couldn't do it. She kept flying above the door until she finally gave up exhausted and I'm sure stressed quite a bit. I had a harder time identifying her because she doesn't much look like the male yellow warbler and there are so many different types of warblers I got lost. I finally found one that looked like her over at a blog that is copyrighted up the wazoo, so I thought I'd link the page with the photo instead in case you were curious.. the second photo looks more like the bird in my garage this morning..
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you're a hero!well done,xx Rachel
ReplyDeletegood job Miss Connie. sorry kitts.... :)
ReplyDeleteOh, what a total and enormous BUMMER!!!!! Your Mom needs some re-edge-a-ma-cating.
ReplyDeleteSo very very near...yet so darn far. No thanks to the Momma. Hrrummpfff.
ReplyDeleteWhile I am sorry you did not get a yummy, super-fresh snack, I have to say that I am also happy for the birdie! Is that bad? Will you ever forgive me?
ReplyDeleteOh, BUMMER that your human didn't give the birdie to you kitties! Even after cleaning it off and everything. I imagine the bird is pretty happy, though!
ReplyDeleteThat is an adventure! Glad the bird didn't end up in the mouth of a kitty!
ReplyDeleteYour mommy is a real tease! We do, however, give your mommy props for cleaning the bird off, even if it grossed her out. Too bad you didn't get to have at least a little nibble afterward, though.
ReplyDeleteThe birdie thanked you!
ReplyDeleteAt least the poor birdie got out at last, but it is a shame you lost a fun treat. Those cobwebs do sound nasty. Many, many years ago, before bandaids, people used them on cuts to stop bleeding. Smart, but ewww.
ReplyDeletePeeS. The Girl is in town and the mom told her about your kitten videos and she just loved them, especially the mews.
Gee I think next time maybe tell Mom that you will get the cobwebs off so that way you are more likely to get a great snack. Hey we like our foodie dead too! How about that there. Meow
ReplyDeleteHO-LEE CAT! Faraday would be sooooooooooooo excited, and Allie would probably never forgive Mother if she let a bird like that free.