Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Meet the new kittens

I don't know much about them yet. I brought the new litter home right after being at the shelter for Zilla and Nessie's adoption. I didn't have time to clean the room so I set up the cage and put them in there. There was more room there than the cage they were in at the shelter for a couple of days, so I didn't feel too much guilt about it.  I set the drop cam up so you could see the kittens in the cage (they may or may not be still in the cage when you are reading this, so if you want to check them up, click the kitten cam link at the top of the page).

Mama is a transfer down from a shelter up north, and I don't have much more info except I was told I have three boys and two girls - just like the last litter. I haven't verified that myself yet, so we'll be doing individual intros later.  Mama is skittish, but okay with people. When I opened up the room to the kitten room it squeaked kind of fierce, and she jumped right up from nursing the kittens and hid in the litter box - so I WD40'd the door so it doesn't squeak any more.  Once I was done cleaning I opened up the door and encouraged her out of the cage with some more canned food (I've given her 20 oz of canned food already) and she came out, but once she ate she went under the couch. I think she is going to need some time to realize she is safe. I've got the tv on in there to help adjust to the sounds of humans.

I could not be happier with Zilla and Nessie's adoption. The couple that took them are super sweet and so adorable. They have been watching them on the dropcam so they were so excited to take them home.

Zookie and Sully are up for adoption, and if they are still there by the weekend I will be shocked.

I have not forgotten about the awesome AMA questions you have asked. I have a couple of posts from BlogPaws that I would like to post, and I'm going to try to get to them this weekend.  If you want to join in the AMA (ask me anything) feel free to leave a comment or email me


  1. Paws up for new kittens already, and the adoptions!

  2. We're so glad that there are adoptions already. It's so cool that Zilla and Nessie's new family was already watching them on the dropcam in anticipation! That kind of excitement sounds like a family that will really enjoy and cherish them.

  3. Cool! There's some cow kitties! :) Paws up for Zilla and Nessie finding a home already.

  4. those are exquisite kittens. I am certain they have wonderful futures ahead of them

  5. great adoption news - and moo kittens :)

  6. Oh look it the tiny babies! The one in the center with the stretched out paws is super cute!

  7. Zilla's and Nessie's humans look so happy! I hope they have wonderful, healthy and long lives in their new home.

    As for the new babies, I'm already in love with the one on the far right, just from the back view. LOL.

  8. They were sleeping in a floofy pile when I went to see! MOL Very cute xx

  9. Yay for furever homes. Excited to meet this new batch.

    Emma and Buster

  10. The new kitties are absolutely adorable!

  11. Happy to hear about the adoptions. This new batch of kittens is adorable (of course)!

  12. YAY for Zila and Nessie!!!!!!!

    1. ZILLA. Hrmpf. Need new typist.

    2. One that types AVAILABLE and not SOAPWORT.

  13. They are so cute and you are so wonderful for taking care of them

  14. Awesome news about Zilla and Nessie!

    Those new babies are so darned cute.

  15. Adorable kitten collection. I hope they and their mom thrive with you.

  16. This looks like another beautiful group of kitties! I can't wait to get to know them better. I'm glad that Zilla and Nessie's adoption went well and they got a loving set of parents :)
    -Purrs from your friends at


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