Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Checking in on the kittens

I got home yesterday evening, and after checking in with my own cats, I went to check on Ms. Growlypants and talked with my husband about how things went. He said she didn't growl at him when he went to check on her on Saturday night. She only comes out at night to eat I told him that he only had to check on her once a day since I was watching her on the webcams.

When I went down to check on her surroundings when I got home I was impressed. She didn't growl nor did she hiss. She had eaten a great deal of her dry food and all of her wet. She also produced a nice big healthy stool. I fear that ignoring her is best and greatest good at this time. Sadly I am not sure I can give her that for much longer, as I ache to get my grabby hands on her big fat babies but I will do my best.

But seriously, look at them! can you blame me??


  1. Nope, can't blame you at all!

  2. Progress!!! We're very happy to hear that and we know you are too.

  3. Sounds like she is feeling more comfortable with you!
    Haha, I can't blame your grabby hands :-)

  4. Can't blame you one bit!

  5. No, and I greatly admire your self-restraint... :) I can't wait to see what these babies are like!

  6. go get them!! besides - her mind is going to blow in a couple of weeks when they start making a break for it on their own :)

  7. I've been watching those wee kittens grow by the minute, and Ms. Growlypants is on borrowed time...humans are gonna grab her babes VERY SOON! It's great that she is eating well; she is comfortable enough for that.

  8. Sooo cute, don't worry she will get there!

  9. Yay for progress ! No, we cannot blame you ! Purrs

  10. No growling or hissing is progress! The kittens are adorable.

  11. You are practicing some awesome self-restraint. ;)

  12. I can't believe how quickly the little mites have grown. She's definitely a good mom, and I'm glad she finally let you in the room without growling and hissing.

  13. Sounds like a little improvement if she didn't growl :)

  14. Baby steps...
    Have a great week.

    Noodle and crew

  15. The kittens are growing so fast!


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