Monday, April 18, 2016

Today's kitten update brought to you by @Chewy

The kittens are almost two weeks old at this point and they still seem to be doing well.  I have been able to sneak a kitten out from under the couch each day for the past few days and each time they seem happy enough. They don't much like my holding them away from my body, but if I snuggle them up to me or put them on Happy Bear they stop crying and put up with me.

As you can see eyes are opening. They are growing well and are still very plump. I fear they are getting so chubby that they will never be able to get up on their own feet when they are ready to start walking.

Since they are eating so well and I have no idea how mom is doing, my goal is to get her to eat as much as she can. To that goal when Chewy's Blogger Outreach offerings reached my inbox, I chose a few different types of food to see if we could get more food into her.

The first food I offered her was a grain-free offering from Wellness called Wellness Healthy Indulgence Morsels Cat Food Pouches

I picked the Chicken and Salmon flavor because it was close to the food she had been eating. I like that it is from Wellness who makes several brands of cat food that don't have a lot of questionable ingredients. I'm not a fan of pouches of food because they aren't recyclable like cans are and I'm not a fan of the carrots in the food, but the question is not if I like the food, but would the kitty?

I decided to try offering it to her directly under the couch. This was not the first time I tried offering her food like this, but, it was the first time she took me up on such an offer.

In fact, she took me up on it three times.

If you watch the video you can watch me steal a kitten for a once over.  He cried out a few times, which mom did not like at all. As I was attempting to put him back she felt comfortable enough, or protective enough, to come around the side of the couch, and out a little way to tell me off. I immediately gave her the kitten, placing it directly between the two of us. She took one look at the kitten and then one look at me and hissed her most vicious "YOU STINK" hiss and turned and went back behind the couch, leaving the kitten on the floor.  I picked him up and put him back and he wiggled his way back to his litter mates. Mom didn't much like me after that, even after giving her three pouches of food, but I suppose I can't blame her. Food only goes so far when it comes to protecting one's offspring, but considering this was the first time she ate in my presence, I have to give a big ol thank you shout out to Chewy for making that moment possible.


  1. Man, I cannot belieeeeeeeve these babies are two weeks old! How did that happen?

    I watched the video and laughed when I saw the fuzzy kitten crawl back with the rest of them.

  2. I'm glad mom liked the food! She really is a tough one, though!

  3. Kittens are getting cuter and cuter! Glad they are eating well. I sure hope they can get up on their feet when they walk, haha :-) Glad mom enjoyed Wellness food.

  4. I finally found you! I may know computers but I suuuuck at social media. ;-)
    You make me feel guilty that Oprah is so friendly and I can do whatever I want with her and/or the kittens! I'm glad you're making progress -- however small -- with her.

  5. very sneaky....distract her with food and steal a kitten :) at least she is eating in front of you. her head is gonna explode when those kittens get more mobile

  6. They are so sweet! And we think Mom is coming around. A tiny, tiny bit.

  7. That's great that she liked it! Love your time lapse videos.

  8. That mom is a tough one. Glad she liked the food, and maybe some time in the next six weeks she'll start to soften up. I'm really glad her kittens are in foster though! Imagine being raised by a mom like that who tells you all sorts of horrible things about humans.

  9. I'm doing a happy dance, go mum she is doing such a great job and I love the video of the kitten being stolen and replaced! Look how big they are getting

  10. I'll bet that your smell on the stolen kittens will begin to turn Ms. Growlypants around...keep up the good work!

  11. We're glad Ms. Growlypants liked the food. Though we could see she wasn't a fan of the carrots. ;)

  12. We're glad she accepted to eat in your presence, and liked the food ! Your stealthy hand stealing a kitten made us smile. Purrs

  13. The kitten wiggling back to be with the rest in the video was priceless! It looks like she's a great mother, even if she's not convinced about grabbyhands humans.

  14. Oh so cute, they make me smile when I see them and for that I thank you


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