Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Out and about

Nice to see Romeo with out cover
Romeo eating raw.. He is such an obligate carnivore!!
Off to find cover.  Don't you love his stubby tail


  1. Raw is such a good diet for kitties (properly prepared, of course) though it does take commitment from the guardians.

  2. That tail is adorable!

  3. That tail is freakin adorable! I just wish he would feel comfortable enough with me to let me touch it..

    Must learn not to rush it..

  4. cuteness. does he bunny hop when he runs? we had a previous foster with a half-tail and he would hop rather than flat out run. it was too cute.....

  5. Romeo is so adorable! I love his tail, too!

  6. Romeo Romeo, where for art thou going?? Come back, deny your skitterish ways!
    (sorry... had to.. I could keep going, but I think I better stop before someone throws something at me!)

  7. Well he isn't out really long enough for me to determine how he runs. He scampers from one thing he can hide under to another.

    I am so going to have to set up the web cam to see if he hides when I'm not there.

    And Andrea, you keep going on about Romeo, it isn't anything I haven't done sitting there talking to him as I peer at him under the couch.

  8. Romeo is super adorable! I think what I love most about LBK's (Little Black Kitties) are that their eyes are so prominient. Every other feature, like nose and mouth are almost invisible except those two glowing orbs of light! :)

  9. Oh my CAT! Mommy squeed at Romeo - she thinks he looks like her shelter love, Juno the Bombay!

    (Pee Ess...if the momma doesn't come around for a few days, it's cuz she sez her hair's on fire - we checked, it isn't. Rilly. But she sez work just bit her in the butt. Hrm, we better go check that out now....)


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