Tuesday, February 19, 2013

24 hrs clav free

Well so far no change.  her stool is still pretty liquid, she still has quite a bit of gas when she 'starts out', and she still isn't eating all that well.  I did weigh her when she showed up and got 7lbs 8oz.  I'm now getting a reading of 7lbs 12.5 oz which I can't complain about.  She gets fluids once a day.  I should do it twice a day but she doesn't much like it and she leaks every time I do so it takes quite a bit of time to get them in her.  My heart aches for her.

I did try to force feed her some yogurt, she acted like I was trying to poison her.  I tried to slip some into the food she wasn't eating and she didn't eat it.  *sigh* she is a difficult one that is for sure.  I suppose I could force her, but the stress isn't going to help the situation in the least, and I fear that it would do more harm than any good I could with anything I could give her.

She is not a lap cat, but she is a "next to a lap" cat.  She likes being patted and I'm fairly certain she will come to like having her belly rubbed.  She starts to turn to expose her belly when I reach for it, but as soon as I have my hand on it she remembers what is going on and stands up.  She is a really sweet cat.

Besides bad teeth, low weight, matted fur, and the dehydration she is dealing with, she also seems to shake on her hind end when she stands to eat - which is probably why she doesn't eat much at any one time. Since she is so sweet I am not sure if she is painful or just weak.  I will mention it when she goes back and see what the vet wants to do about it.  Part of me is hoping that the procedure will be done somewhere I can observe, because I would LOVE to get a good photo of her teeth to show you what lack of dental care can look like in a kitty as well as I would love an opportunity to get all of those mats off her belly.

She really could use some purrs to help her get through this.  What I would love is for her to put on a pound or more, but what I will settle for is firm stool..


  1. Poor Lucy. Have you tried giving her steamed pumpkin with steamed chicken breast? It has worked very well with my kids and also a cat who came for boarding with awful diarrhea.

  2. Poor baby girl, we will be purring away like crazy for her to get better.

  3. We sure are purring for her. It is too bad she has to deal with all of this. My guess is that her bum must be pretty raw by now. :-( Have you tried putting mushed canned peas in with some canned food? Somewhere I read that peas have a lot of fiber.

  4. What a sweet girl and we sure are purring very strongly for her.

  5. unfortunately adding anything to her food is right out. she is barely eating and the last thing she needs is a reason to go off her food. When I mixed up a smidge of yogurt in some food she flat out refused to eat.. she wouldn't even consider eating chicken or turkey.. right now it is fish and fish only.. and even that is a crap shoot (no pun intended) Sometimes she'll eat one flavor and then she won't..

  6. What about Lactose free milk to drink or cat milk that would help to put some extra calories in to her and may be some mashed up prawns as they are high in calories too as she like fishy stuff and some of the more oily types of fish mashed up

  7. Anonymous4:00 PM

    What a Purrty girl! Im so sorry she is having problems.

    Have you tried adding canned Pumkin to her food? I heard this is good for cats. I will be praying for your little girl.

  8. I am sending lots of purrs Lucy's way! I wish I had some suggestions, but it is hard enough for my human to get me to eat what she gives me!

  9. We is all purring for Lucy! We hopes she feels healthy again very soon, poor girl.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  10. Poor sweetie! Big purrs for you!!

  11. Sardines? When Sunny would not eat anything, that could tempt him!

  12. This poor kitty needs LOTS of love! Did you try baby food with her, a little on the end of a spoon? You could also try slippery elm bark tea for the GI...I've had some success with a tiny slender syringe and giving .1 or .2 cc of something at a time into the corner of their mouth, pretty easy to aim and do quickly, and not so much in their mouth that they get really upset. Good luck!

  13. Anonymous4:03 PM

    I'm curious what the vet will say about her hind leg and such.


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