Monday, February 25, 2013


I have been hearing about the CatCam for a while now.  I thought it would be so much fun to get one and put it on Jack.  I thought he might be able to even start his own blog!

But I put it off.  There were other expenses that were more pressing.  *shrug*  But then Ingrid at the had a giveaway of one, and I was so excited.. and when I won I was thrilled.. and a little scared.  Thrilled because I would get to see what Jack did all day, and scared because I'd get to see what Jack did all day.

It showed up pretty quickly, but it took me a while to get it to work.  The small pamphlet of instructions weren't overly helpful, and each time I thought I had it right I was rewarded with no pictures.  Finally I just googled it and found very helpful instructions and we were off.

I first put it on him at night.  I had set the camera to take photos every two minutes.  I tend to only have lights on in the house in the room I am in, so a lot of the photos were completely black.  :(  Next I put it on him Sunday morning and went about my day.  Unfortunately I didn't consider what a camera dangling from Jack's neck would do when he ate.  No pictures of him eating (that I'm aware of) but a lot of food debris ended up on the cam.  Looking at the pictures was fun, but then we had a lot of black shots followed by a picture of the pillows on the bed, then a long span of more black pictures while he slept on top of it.

I tried putting it on Fleurp, but she tried to eat it.  It was uber cute to watch her, because she sat up on her hind legs took it in both of her paws and then went to nom on it - much like a bear might.  While I had changed the setting to take a photo every minute, the camera didn't go off at this time.  You can set the camera to go off from 2 seconds to 8 hours or anywhere in between.  There is setting for seconds, minutes and hours, so if you like two hours, two minutes and two seconds, you can do that :)

Sadly the camera isn't the highest of quality.  If the cat is moving the picture is fuzzy.  While I call this a negative, it is also a pretty interesting positive, I got some really interesting shots of light dances.

This is opposite of the entrance to the kitchen..
he spent quite some time sitting here
a bad capture of his considering MirrorJack...
but I think MirrorJack only is worth considering if the doors are closed
Fleurp Cam
Fleurp considers the snow.. 8 inches at this point


  1. That's pretty interesting. It's a shame the photos turned out blurry but I suppose that's to be expected when lighting is low and there's no flash. Wonder what Jack was thinking staring at the kitchen gate?

    1. the railing is actually to the stairs that go down to the basement.. The cabinet with the treats in it is right above his head.. so I'm pretty sure I know what he was thinking :)

  2. Oh Fleurp, that sounds hilarious! I think Tucker would try to eat the camera too. I wonder if you could ever put it on a cooperative foster?

    1. kittens wouldn't be much fun as they move too much, older cats don't do much, but a pregnant cat, or a new mother.. that could make some really cool photos..

  3. What a way to SPY on what the crew's up to!

  4. Heheheehee....still a lot of fun when its lighter days it might work better

  5. CatCam! How cool! It is so much fun to see what kitties see.
    I agree, these fuzzy pictures of light are quite interesting!

  6. My human put one of those on me a couple of years ago... and I got a photo of her exercising!

    1. Jack got one of me in the middle of food prep - wearing my less than flattering pajamas..

  7. Fleurp, dood! Were you at our home for that last photo?
    Momma wants to get a still camera for Allie, the video one is kinda chunky. We think that's a way cool experiment - do it again! We wanna see more!

  8. I'm still laughing at Fleurp trying to eat the camera - I wish you'd gotten a picture of that!

  9. It seems Jack is an abstract photographic artist... although I did recognize pants. I'd love to get a camera for my crowd, although I shudder to think what they might be snapping photos of ;)

  10. too funny.....we do think some of the picture were interesting. :) Part of me would be afraid to know what everyone here does all day....

  11. Well you could just call them fractals and leave it at that!!! So funny :)

  12. Cat cam, what a neat idea. Got me thinking about a dog cam now. I've always wondered what he does all day while I'm at work

  13. Oh my goodness, that sounds like fun! Though I suspect I'd get a lot of pictures of the bed covers.

    Funny Fleurp...our Sami likes to chew on the camera strap but she's never taken a bite of the camera...yet.

  14. Ohhhh I have wanted one of those for the longest time! I am glad you said it wasn't that great though....too funny about almost eating the camera!


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