Thursday, February 7, 2013

teach me to count my chickens

I was so excited last night when Victor seemed to have gotten over his cold.  He was doing so well, just a random sneeze from time to time - hence the post this morning, but when I went down to see him to give them breakfast I found him snotty and green goop piled in the corner of his eyes.

So I've got them a little while longer.. how will I cope?? *wink*

although we do have that major storm headed our way and with the wind there is a darn good chance we are going to be with out power for a day or so.  *knock wood that it isn't any longer than that*


  1. Aw, well, we hope he's better soon, poor sweetie. We know you'll somehow manage to bear up under the strain. :-)

    Hope your power stays ON--or at least that you have a backup generator. Not sure how bad you'll be hit with the storm, but we're expecting around 25 cms of snow (10 inches). That'll all end up in my driveway, btw--just the way the winds blow. LOL. The University never closes, however, so as long as public transit is running, I'll have to slog to the office.

    Stay safe!

    1. we are predicted to get a minimum of *at least* double that.. *rolls eyes* If we could just keep our power it would be do-able. We are with out a generator at the moment, it is next on our to-do list, and some how I have a feeling after this weekend we'll be trying to find a way to get that moved up..

  2. Aw, that's too bad. The good news is that, if the power does go out, you have extra kitty heat generators. LOL

    1. Yeah, two pounds of purr doesn't generate as much heat as you might thing even if there are five of them. Now seventy+ pounds that we have upstairs.. now that tends to keep me nice and warm..

  3. oooh, how many inches did you guys get???


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