Saturday, October 26, 2002

Kittens are feeling better

well this morning bugsy looked a LOT better, in fact he looks almost fully recovered.. my little goldie locks though.. that's another story. I've named one of the kits.. she's a sandy colored (golden) tiger.. has a very tiger look about her too. She's the sick one.. wheezing and watery eyes.. and totally unresponsive to food in a bowl. has been since before she was sick. Even becoming a little clueless what to do when given to the lactating mom cat... so she's 100% hand fed at the moment. Last night I was out of KMR so I tried to make do with a powdered supplement I bought a while back.. but nooooooooooooooooooooo that wasn't good enough.. I tried to hold her and comfort her, but noooooooooooooooooo that wasn't good enough either.. I put her down on the floor.. noooooooooooooooooo that's not what I want either. I have to cut her a little slack as I know she's small and confused and sick.. so I've nicknamed her after the pickiest literary character I could think of. The little black kit is also not doing very well. almost looks like a sty on her eye. sigh.. I'm sick of sick kitties!!! the only one who's not obviously sick in even the littlest way is Izzy.. well and the bigger black kit..

I went to the shelter this morning to get some KMR.. and fed it to goldie.. and she's mellowed out quite a bit. Still quite independent though.. doesn't want to be where you put her, wants to be where she wants to be, even if that is one step over from where you put her. She jumped off my shoulder this morning.. (when you pick her up she clings to your shirt, climbs to your shoulder, once even tried to get up on my head) that was scary for me.. but she.. was fine.. :)

this evening I realized I left the clavamox out.. so they are all going to miss their evening doses.. I'll have to run back down to the shelter to get some more.. You know there were a few houses for sale next to the shelter.. I was seriously considered looking in to moving down there.. (its an hour ride) today I'm kinda sad I didn't.. (they have since sold)

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