Monday, April 30, 2012

What a difference 46 days makes

I tried them on grain free canned food - the same food their mom did well with, and immediately the diarrhea was worse.  So bad it looked like they exploded.  I was able to get another sample, and I figured Id get it checked one last time for internal parasites.  I was pretty sure there wasn't any, but they don't always shed the evidence that there are parasites, and I thought if at any point you would see evidence it would be after an extreme irritation and release of the contents of the colon.  Alas, they are parasite free - including giardia.  Which is a good thing, but I was kind of hoping it wasn't a food issues (because as I have said before, kitties with food issues don't get adopted as easily.. although homes that are willing to feed foods outside the norm because the kitties need them would get extra karma points in my book).

So, I'm 90% positive we are dealing with food allergy issues.  I've arrived at the conclusion that Petra is having issues with chicken, so we went out to get some more food for The Crew and some beef based food for the kittens.  I found a pack of buffalo and I bought that too and fed that last night.  That was a HUGE hit, to the point where Squirrel was growling over it.This morning there was still "issues" in the litter box.  I'm trying not to freak out and reminding myself if the canned food produced such an extreme reaction it is going to take a while for things to settle down. 

If we are still dealing with this by Wednesday I'm going to say that it is time to get a professional involved and see if we aren't dealing with something else.


  1. What a beautiful crew... Little Miriam looks like she struggles to see around her big fluffy siblings though! :)

  2. OMC what cuties they are! I can't wait to see what my fosters will look like when they grow!

  3. They are a bunch of cutie pies, that's for sure! I'm sorry they are still having food/digestion issues. :-(

  4. Other than raw, I can't recall what you're feeding. I know that Nicki has issues with a lot of grain-free foods that contain potato as the binder. At least potato was the comment element in all the brands I tried several years ago. So if there are any veggies or potatoes in the foods being given, please don't discount those (one of them) as the culprit.

    Good luck!

  5. Also, anything overly rich also has a most unfortunate effect on Mr. Nicki's output.

  6. Everyone has grown up beautifully! Canned food (grain free) causes Tutu to have diarrhea and gas. We checked and she has no worms. She does well with home cooked chicken stew though.

  7. WHat a bunch of beauties. How did you get them to pose like that? lol

    I hope you get the food issues sorted, so they can be adopted ! x


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