Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Behind the scenes

Picture day didn't go off with out any concern at all..

Meira is interesting when it comes to protecting the kittens.  I can tell she is disturbed when I take the kittens out of the nest, but she is trusting me enough to know that all is generally well when I have one.  Not to say that I can keep them out indefinitely - as you can see.  Even more interesting is when I move the kittens out of the nest to change out the bedding.  I can move any of the kittens except from the gray kitten.  Once I move her Meira immediately follows her. 


  1. Sounds like momma has a favorite kitten! :)

  2. What a good mother she is!!!

  3. Maybe she knows the gray kitten is more vulnerable? Either way, they are just so cute.

  4. Not any more vulnerable then the rest, and certainly more vocal. I think she just has a favorite :)

  5. Kitties really are excellent mamas. They always know best.

  6. "Mom always liked YOU best!" Oh, there are going to be arguments when those kittens are all grown up. Hope you've saved for therapy. ;)

  7. It was so nice of you to come hold my little paw today. It helped. Now the Human is home and the Big Work Thing is all over so she should be staying home with me more. It was soooo embarrassing to say I missed her!

    Those kittens are adorable!


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